If you like this plugin, and want to offer me a coffee, consider to click the button on the top right corner of the navbar to donate! Thank you :D
Make your own, customized Minecraft commands
- Make new commands!. (Also registered command)
- Run others command in new one
- Perform several commands in one
- Delayed commands with custom pause, warmups and cooldowns
- Make Shortcut/alias commands or override commands.
- Run commands with any item , block, signs or even (villager) NPC's.
- Various functions for costumize commands, like placeholders, scripts (if-else) and more.
- Console support
- Economy support (Require Vault)
- All features are highly customizable
- No command limits with multiple file support
- Customizable IconMenu (ChestGUI), ActionBar, BossBar, Hover/ClickableText, Title and Scoreboard commands.
- Allow the execution of commands in various circumstances (per world, by worldguard regions and more.
- Custom players database where you can store anything you want to personalize even more your commands. SQL database supported.
- BungeeCord feature, Scheduler, Join/Quit/Death events, PHP/GET request ...
- ... And much, much more..!
Configuration and examples (Documentation)
Commands & permissions
Video Tutorial :
(French) Getting Started (TEXT and ALIAS commands) by Texier (MyCommand 5.5.0)
(English) by Koz4Christ. (MyCommand 5.1.8)
If you have to report an error in the chat, or just a command section, use pastebin or a similar website. Help with YML code error :
This plugin uses bStats Metrics - MyCommand stats page
In reply to wildespizza:
for what do you want to use it?
for an ICON_MENU or a /give command or what?
Can I use this plugin in a server template I'm making that'll be open source?
How do you create player head/skulls
In reply to wilderpizzamc:
Go to, search the head you want and use the give command that is displayed there.
Parrot head
Give command: /give @p minecraft:player_head{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Parrot\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-378189303,1774603777,-1889620636,251877855],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGQ0ODJhNjVkMDA0YmNlYjcxNDEzNDk2MzY5MTE2MzBkZmZiYTY4ZmYyMWI4ZDUxZDkxNzc4NTBmOTQ0YzZmZiJ9fX0="}]}}} 1
Put 'minecraft' in front of 'give' when using essentialsX:
/minecraft:give ....
I don't know where else to ask for help so I post this here.
Are scripts and placeholder not working in BAR_API_TEXT type?
If my command is
command: /test
- '$delay$<100>'
- 'Hi!'
- '$text$It works!'
Result: It prints: "$text$It works!" on the boss bar...
Thank you!
edit: Same with scripts
edit2: Another question:
I use the
mycmd-playerdata set_silent player var value
command in another plugin and run it from console.
And although I put "_silent" after "set", it spams in my console:
"[18:31:50 INFO]: > MyCommand by emmerrei v5.7.1"
Wich is annoying because the command gets called once per second for ever player!
Can I disable this message?
edit3: The console spam thing is fixed now, I used a variable at the wrong time...
I have tried to put a cost to one of the commands, with the goal of making a store. But putting the cost: 200 (example) does not withdraw any amount of money. I think it is because I use a premium plugin called CMI.
[Srry for my bad english ^^]
Hi, It's there a way to force the text from uppercase to lowercase?
This is it. I've found it. I think I've honestly found the best Bukkit plugin ever made. The customizability, the well-written documentation, the abilites of what you can do with it... it's perfect! It's so lightweight yet not too thin, and it does exactly what I needed it to do! I was able to use this plugin to successfully finally eliminate EssentialsX from the list of plugins, I made two custom commands /spawn which takes you to spawn and in cooperation with another plugin I added a /keepinv on and /keepinv off command (which working tab completion!!!) which allows per-player keep inventory choices.
Best plugin hands down. I really hope this never gets abandoned and continues being updated.
Hey! I downloaded the new version of the plugin. I had such a problem ... When I put a cooldown, I write %s instead of the specified seconds. How can this be fixed?
How to trigger Hologram?
I successfully create and add command to mycmd hologram
but how to trigger it?
right click and walking pass it doesn't work
Thank You
SOLVED, right click to activate BUT you must click at the very bottom (at feet) not at the floating text hologram
Hello, I Am New To MyCommand And I Wanted To Make A /hub Command, But Deopped Players Do Not Have The Permission Even After Typing permission-required: false.
In reply to RealGWCJ:
install permission plugin and add this to default group
this work for my server but i don't know if this secure or not
Hi there, i am using mycommand for an alias for my admin chat:
Is there a way to be able to use special characters in this command ?
- when i use a special character it triggers the event "CHARACTERS_NOT_ALLOWED"
and ingame i get the feedback "&cYour input contains not allowed characters."
In reply to donvdp:
there is a section called "regex" in config.yml, disable it
Hey, i am new to commands nd stuff and just wanted to create a simple /hub which will tp you to a certain coordinate and a /kill which non OP's can use to only kill themselves help is much appreciated my discord is - NOTHING#3666
Hey there, I am currently trying to make a block command with the MyCommand plugin. I have everything set up as I want it to be set up except that there is one function that I am not being able to figure out yet. Is there any way that I can make the block command a one-time use? So that when I click it once, it gives the reward and tells the player, Congratz... but if the player tries to use the same one it replies by saying you already claimed this block and it won't give the reward. Any ideas?
In reply to maxemilian360:
command: /onetime
- "$Script$%if%$PlayerData%one_time_command%!=used"
- "$text$&aExecuting the command here..."
- "$Script$%PlayerData%one_time_command=used"
- "$Script$%else%"
- "$text$&6You've already used this command."
Tell me how to make this one-time command while meeting the requirements
command: /MjJencosesad
- $Script$%elseif%%vault_eco_balance_fixed%<45000
- $text$ &7(&c$&7) &cУ вас недостаточно средств! Либо у вас нету прав сейчас!
- $Script$%else%
- eco take $player 45000
- lp user $player parent add 4lok
permission-required: true
permission-node: re
permission-error: '&cНету купленой 3 локации!'
In reply to jencos_e:
you can't use %elseif% if there is not %if% before it
and you have to add slash before the command
Hi! the log command doesn't seem to work with console, which I need it to, is there any way at all to execute a mycmd command that logs things to a text file from the console?