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Make your own, customized Minecraft commands
- Make new commands!. (Also registered command)
- Run others command in new one
- Perform several commands in one
- Delayed commands with custom pause, warmups and cooldowns
- Make Shortcut/alias commands or override commands.
- Run commands with any item , block, signs or even (villager) NPC's.
- Various functions for costumize commands, like placeholders, scripts (if-else) and more.
- Console support
- Economy support (Require Vault)
- All features are highly customizable
- No command limits with multiple file support
- Customizable IconMenu (ChestGUI), ActionBar, BossBar, Hover/ClickableText, Title and Scoreboard commands.
- Allow the execution of commands in various circumstances (per world, by worldguard regions and more.
- Custom players database where you can store anything you want to personalize even more your commands. SQL database supported.
- BungeeCord feature, Scheduler, Join/Quit/Death events, PHP/GET request ...
- ... And much, much more..!
Configuration and examples (Documentation)
Commands & permissions
Video Tutorial :
(French) Getting Started (TEXT and ALIAS commands) by Texier (MyCommand 5.5.0)
(English) by Koz4Christ. (MyCommand 5.1.8)
If you have to report an error in the chat, or just a command section, use pastebin or a similar website. Help with YML code error :
This plugin uses bStats Metrics - MyCommand stats page
In reply to ivanfromitaly:
Ooh ok I'll try that :D
Hey I have another question. This all started a couple days ago and I'm absolutly clueless. I cant use the mycmd commands or any other commands. Every time I try to do /mycmd-reload the only thing that comes are player names same for every other commands. All the new commands I make arent shown even if I restart the server. I cant use a single custom command. If i type mycmd only player names come. If i enter a command without the tab completer nothing happens not even a chat message. I even tried reinstalling the plugin. does somone know why this happens?
Hey can somone help me with this problem. I' m trying to make a Command that teleports a Specfic player to a location. I have a time out box for players that behave bad and I want that my Moderators can teleport them in there without giving them acces to other tp commands. Here is my Text how can I make that another player(not the one that does the command gets teleportet).
command: /timeout
- "/tp $player -498 132 -498"
register: true
In the Current state everytime I run the Command I get teleportet. and yes i looked in the Exempels watched 2 tutorial tried many things but i coudnt find somthing for that.
In reply to lord_dourby:
$player return with the name of the command sender.
$arg1 is what is typed at the position one after /timeout. So "/timeout BadUser" will execute /tp BadUser X Y Z
just use $arg1
Hey, I've neem trying to do more pages of text,but i could not find out way to do clickable text, is there an option?
I've been trying to do some code for ages, but it has never worked no matter what I do. I'm getting a headache now, can I have some help? All I need is for a command named "/timesurvived" That says "Hello &a$player&f, you have survived for <Time Since Death Player Statistic>".
In reply to deflatedsheep:
If you are looking for specific placeholder, try to give a look to PlaceHolderAPI one's, and see if you can find something who does that.
why my all commands are unknown help for help can someone help my
command: /gm
type: ALIAS
alias: /gamemode
permission-required: true
command: /paslaugos
type: TEXT
- '&6 &c[VIP]&c 2€, &e[HERO]&e 3€, &1[LEGEND]&1 5€'
- '&6 &c/VIP&c &e/HERO&e &1/LEGEND&1 Visa daiktų informacija'
- '&6 Atsiskaitymas PaySafeCard ÄŒekiu, Pildyk Saskaitos ÄŒekiu'
- '&6 Jei norit pirkti rašykit i Discorda DeivisYT#0927'
permission-required: false
register: true
command: /noriuvip
type: TEXT
- '&6Gauni Kit Vip, Ir Vip Ranka Prie Savo Nicko'
- '&6Diamond Armorai Su Prot4, Diamond Kardas Sharpness 4 Fire Aspect 2 Knockback 2'
- '&6Bow Su Infinity, 1 Arrow, 1 OP Apple, 32 Steak, 1 Shulker Box, 5 Diamond'
permission-required: false
register: true
command: /noriuhero
type: TEXT
- '&6Gauni Kit Hero, Ir Hero Ranka Prie Savo Nicko'
- '&6Diamond Armorai Su Prot 4 Unb 2 Batukai Feather Falling 3, Diamond Kardas Sharpness 5 Fire Aspect 2 Knockback 2 Unbreaking 2'
- '&6Diamond Pickaxe Eff 4 Fortune 2 Unb 2,Diamond Axe Eff 4 Unb 2 ,Bow Su Infinity, 1 Arrow,''
- '&61 OP Apple, 32 Steak, 1 Shulker Box, 10 Diamond'
permission_required: false
register: true
command: /noriulegend
type: TEXT
- '&6Gauni Kit Legend, Ir Legend Ranka Prie Savo Nicko'
- '&6Diamond Helmet,Leggings,Boots Su Prot 4 Unb 3 Batukai Feather Falling 4 Netherite Chestplate Prot 4 Unb 3, Diamond Kardas Sharpness 5 Fire Aspect 2 Knockback 2 Unbreaking 3 Looting 2'
- '&6Diamond Pickaxe Eff 4 Fortune 2 Unb 3,Diamond Axe Eff 4 Unb 3 ,Bow Su Infinity Flame Ir Power 2, 1 Arrow,''
- '&61 OP Apple, 64 Steak, 2 Shulker Box, 20 Diamond, 1 Anvil , 10 Golden Apple'
permission_required: false
register: true
command: /vip
type: TEXT
- 'Rašyk /noriuvip'
permission_required: false
register: true
command: /hero
type: TEXT
- 'Rašyk /noriuhero'
permission_required: false
register: true
command: /legend
type: TEXT
- 'Rašyk /noriulegend'
permission_required: false
register: true
Hi, I think I found an issue with Placeholder API...
In my main server, PAPI is installed and commands like /clearchat or /dailybonus (copied from there) don't work, the output of /clearchat is %repeat%30 and /dailybonus is usable as many times as you want. Instead, in my testing server where PAPI is not installed the two custom commands work perfectly, but when I put PAPI there is the same problem of the main server.
Can you help me? I need both plugins
Thanks in advance
Any way to load multiple item sets at once?
or have two items of the same with the only difference being the name?
hi, when i write the command in the chat is in red but it works, how can i change the colour of the command to look like it is going to work
Also is there a way to lock inventories? What I mean is the player would be unable to move anything in their inventory? This includes mod inventories like ArmourersWorkshop..
Is there a way for this to make particles around a player for a certain amount of time?
i am trying to use this to sethome how would i set that up?
command: /sethouse
text: []
- /sethome
cost: 20000
delaytimer: 0
permission-required: false
register: true
this is what i have but for some reason when i run it, it only runs the command /set instead of running /sethome. and also how would i write it to charge for setting a home name instead of just a default home.
Please help,
how to stop aliases mode from looking for 2nd argument?!
or is there any other mode that doesn't look for 2nd argument ?!
In reply to SladeHazard:
Can you post the command that you are trying to edit for context?
Generally you probably want the RUN_COMMAND type and something like this:
In reply to spetznack:
You don't understand what I mean.
I need to use mycommand to change the command /test to /example, but if I type /test abc mycommand should not do /example abc.
In reply to SladeHazard:
From the information I read, I see two possibilities.
1) The command you want to create is "/test", which will alias to /example. If you write "/test abc" then it should still only do /example. The following should work for that..
2) The command you want to create is /test, and it swill do /example UNLESS there is an argument. If there is an argument then "something else happens".
I hope it helps.
In reply to SladeHazard:
there are 2 specific function for that, just look in the documentation. "disable_on" or "disable_on_lenght"