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Make your own, customized Minecraft commands
- Make new commands!. (Also registered command)
- Run others command in new one
- Perform several commands in one
- Delayed commands with custom pause, warmups and cooldowns
- Make Shortcut/alias commands or override commands.
- Run commands with any item , block, signs or even (villager) NPC's.
- Various functions for costumize commands, like placeholders, scripts (if-else) and more.
- Console support
- Economy support (Require Vault)
- All features are highly customizable
- No command limits with multiple file support
- Customizable IconMenu (ChestGUI), ActionBar, BossBar, Hover/ClickableText, Title and Scoreboard commands.
- Allow the execution of commands in various circumstances (per world, by worldguard regions and more.
- Custom players database where you can store anything you want to personalize even more your commands. SQL database supported.
- BungeeCord feature, Scheduler, Join/Quit/Death events, PHP/GET request ...
- ... And much, much more..!
Configuration and examples (Documentation)
Commands & permissions
Video Tutorial :
(French) Getting Started (TEXT and ALIAS commands) by Texier (MyCommand 5.5.0)
(English) by Koz4Christ. (MyCommand 5.1.8)
If you have to report an error in the chat, or just a command section, use pastebin or a similar website. Help with YML code error :
This plugin uses bStats Metrics - MyCommand stats page
hi! I am trying to override a stupid plugin's system that overrides all other teleportation. to fix this I would need to run 2 commands say, 1 second apart. I have tried the command below to no avail as it only runs the command once
Hi! When using the live_chat type of command, can I store their answer as $arg1 ? I want to make a prompt where someone can use the live_chat type but their answer is stored as a variable.
For example I want a command for players to select a chatroom with this, so they can do /chatrooms
and the command will say 'what chatroom would you like to join?
and then their answer will be taken as $arg1 and I can runcmd '/channel $arg1join'
Also does your plugin have any utility to convert a nickname, more specifically an essentials one into a player's real name?
In reply to KantoKairyu:
You should be able to use $arg1 ecc normally in the runcmd part.
About the nickname, i guess if you use $player it returns always the original player name, and not the nickname made with another plugin. If you need a specific nickname, you can look at PlaceholderAPi placeholders.
Hey! Great plugin!
May I ask how you go about addind placeholders to playerdata? I want the playerdata files to have their essentials' nickname, is this possible?
Also how do I go about adding a temporary variable to a custom command if it isn't pertaining to a user's playerdata, is that even possible?
Lastly how would I go about making a custom command that would take a player nickname as $arg1 and then using parsnear or another placeholder, convert that name into a real player name and then execute a command as though that were the real $arg1 to begin with?
Can somebody help me with Lists? None of these Commands works properly. It just sometimes returns true and nobody knows why.
- $Script$%PlayerData%array1.contains=string2
- $Script$%if%$PlayerData%list1%.contains=$multiargs
Hey there, any way to set the blockset function on entities like the placed end crystal?
In reply to maxemilian360:
maybe you can use scriptentityplus
Is there a possibility to choose a specific String out of a List?
Like here, but not Random. I want to choose the first one for example, so COBBLESTONE:
how I can make that when people do /battum a boat appears on them ?
is it possible for the iconmenu to add a cost for clicking on 1 of the items. For example I have an item which you can click to upgrade your stats. Is there a way to add a cost?
Is there a possibility to add the 'text_style: CENTERED' on bungeecord? Currently a text with that variable is not centered
Is there a way to make the npcs look like a security guard?
I have set up NPCs for my server - but only OP players can click and use them? How can I let everyone use them?
In reply to miniminnow:
wouldnt that be the npc plugin's problem and not the mycommand plugins' fault? because mycommand makes an alias to shorten a command and a lot of other stuff. :) just wondering
In reply to dragoni_penguin:
I'm pretty sure the command was /mycmd-npcs which made me think it was part of mycommand.
However, it could maybe be worldguard preventing interaction somehow? I have turned interaction to 'Allow' but I will have a deeper look through all them.
In reply to miniminnow:
In reply to miniminnow:
I honestly don't know the solution, but is the npcs connecting bungeecord servers or multiverse worlds, or just teleporting somewhere?
Did you make sure you have the correct permission to use the npc?
In reply to dragoni_penguin:
Here's the problem - I don't know the correct permission to use the NPC - I can't find it on your documentation
In reply to dragoni_penguin:
I can't find any permissions for my-command at all?
In reply to miniminnow:
thats the permission list for my-command :)
just so i know exactly which plugin is messing up, i know you are using my-command, but what is the npc plugin that you are using?
edit: on that provided page, it doesn't seem to supply a command or permission that refers to a npc.
In reply to miniminnow:
Have you gived the permission "mycommand.interact.villager" to the interested group?