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Make your own, customized Minecraft commands
- Make new commands!. (Also registered command)
- Run others command in new one
- Perform several commands in one
- Delayed commands with custom pause, warmups and cooldowns
- Make Shortcut/alias commands or override commands.
- Run commands with any item , block, signs or even (villager) NPC's.
- Various functions for costumize commands, like placeholders, scripts (if-else) and more.
- Console support
- Economy support (Require Vault)
- All features are highly customizable
- No command limits with multiple file support
- Customizable IconMenu (ChestGUI), ActionBar, BossBar, Hover/ClickableText, Title and Scoreboard commands.
- Allow the execution of commands in various circumstances (per world, by worldguard regions and more.
- Custom players database where you can store anything you want to personalize even more your commands. SQL database supported.
- BungeeCord feature, Scheduler, Join/Quit/Death events, PHP/GET request ...
- ... And much, much more..!
Configuration and examples (Documentation)
Commands & permissions
Video Tutorial :
(French) Getting Started (TEXT and ALIAS commands) by Texier (MyCommand 5.5.0)
(English) by Koz4Christ. (MyCommand 5.1.8)
If you have to report an error in the chat, or just a command section, use pastebin or a similar website. Help with YML code error :
This plugin uses bStats Metrics - MyCommand stats page
Hi? Player Events by void damage?
I know there are plugins that do that, but I like to do everything with mycmd, it's great and the plugin is very complete :D by the way, I'm on 1.8.9
I would like if you update it and put new type for daily reward, and this also hage fully example if player 1 with rank 1 has perms to daily 1 and player 2 with rank 2 with daily 2 the message and reward will be different because it's different perms
Hi, sorry for my English. I have some problem with use "RUN_COMMAND". (Version 1.19.2)
For example:
command: /testcmd
- '/clan $multiargs'
register: true
registered: true
Use: /testcmd &a
And i has been kicked by reason: Illegal characters in chat
I think this is due to the spoofing & on § when resembling color codes. Could you help solve this problem? Ty for help! ^-^
In reply to vladrant:
The problem is that until this point, to make unregistered commands work, MyCommand used to run commands like chat messages. I can add something to choose how send a command, in few words, perform a command, instead of chatting. I will see what's the best i can do. I think there aren't too much alternatives.
Anyway, if aren't needed you can choose to not use colorcodes on that command placeholders_replace_mode : NO_COLORCODE
In reply to ivanfromitaly:
OK, thanks for answer ^-^.
Could you add the ability to insert custom placeholders with output like "name1,name2,name3" in tab_completer in the next update? It would be very cool!
And add in tab_completer placeholder "$BCPlayerList%servername%"
I made vip chat with broadcast_message_permission_node, and if I mute player, they can still write in this chat. I use essentialsX, and I add my command to "muted commands", but it didn't work. How can I fix it?
how to make alias for different answers such like
command: /섬 생성 <name>
- /island create <name>
what should I add on for <name> part
In reply to rlaxodn6123:
lol figured it out
/island create $multiargs
Are there any playerevents that can track a player right clicking on a sheep? I tried the PlayerInteractEvent but it doesn't seem to work with entities, unless I'm doing something wrong.
Also, would it be possible to add in PlayerClickEvent to the events? Or is that not possible
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
command: /topmobs
- "&6Mob Kills Leaderboard :"
playerdata_value: mobkills
leaderboard_size: 10
leaderboard_text: "&f$index: &e$username &a- &b$points"
permission-required: false
register: true
When the leaderboard displays, it has:
Mob Kills Leaderboard :
1. (Player Name) - 9.0
2. (Player Name) - 8.0
3. (Player Name) - 52.0
4. (Player Name) - 1.0
Why isn't it sorting the value highest to lowest?
Seems like some of the plugin's functionality doesn't work on 1.18.2. Can we expect an update soon to fix that?
In reply to teslicek:
Usually when something doesn't work on a older plugin version is because there isn't a way to make it working with main api methods, or that version of the game is missing completly a way to address that. Anyway, the focus is always on the latest version.
Can you help me with that (incompatibility with geyser) players can steal menu's when in mcpe using Geyser
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Do you know how to use characters that give errors in TEXT command?
I was using : character in TEXT, and they give errors and the entire command fails.
How do I insert them?
Can you make an way to put variables in the item slot like
How would i do nested if statements with this plugin? This is what i have currently but it doesn't work
In reply to Zax71:
Do you see any errors in your console when executing the command?
Also '%if%$arg1==' likely won't work because there is no $arg1 when it's empty, plus you should quote everything after the dash '-'.
cost: 0 is also unneeded, maybe try this:
Hi! I've used this plugin with bukkit and paper a lot, and I've really enjoyed it! I was wondering if you could make a port to Sponge Forge 1.12.2 for modded servers? There isn't any custom commands plugins for sponge forge that actually work, or are still being developed, and i would really appreciate it as i love this plugin for vanilla Minecraft! I also tried to contact you on curseforge, but i was getting errors, i hope you see this!
the language config does'nt actually work plz fix
how can u use Minecraft Item IDs instead of the name