
Manhunt Settings

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Manhunt Settings

Manhunt has many built-in settings that you can use to customize the game. You can adjust anything from whether mobs spawn, to how long the prey have to prepare during pre-game. You can use these settings to turn on insta-kills, turn off the prey-finder, disable automatic loadouts and team-hats, turn off all-talk, all that stuff! And the best part is that all settings can be accessed in-game so that you never have to touch the files yourself.

  • /m settings [page]
    Use this to view a list of available settings and their current settings. Add a page number after "/m settings" to view more pages.
  • /m set <setting> <value>
    Use this to change a setting. Replace "<setting>" with the name of the setting, and "<value>" with what you want to set it to. For example, if you would like to turn on instant-death, type "/m setting instantdeath true". If you would like to set the map boundary to 256, type "/m setting mapboundary 256". Any time you change a setting, you will see a confirmation message.

Now that You know how to use the settings commands, below is a complete list of currently available Manhunt settings.

Game Settings

Here are settings that will carry over to any map you play on.

  • OpControl
    True - Only ops have access to all Manhunt commands.
    False - Anyone may join teams and do other basic Manhunt things, but only ops can do major things, like start the game and change settings.
  • NoBuild
    True - Non-op players may not build unless the game is running.
    False - Any player may edit the world while the game is not running.
  • AllTalk
    True - Hunters and Prey may only see their team's chat. (ChatControl must be on.)
    False - Players can see everyone's chat.
  • ChatControl
    True - Manhunt will handle player chat like normal.
    False - Manhunt will not touch player chat, allowing other plugins to take over.
  • PassiveMobs
    True - Passive mobs will spawn in the Manhunt world.
    False - Passive mobs will not be allowed to spawn in the Manhunt world.
  • HostileMobs
    True - Hostile mobs will be allowed to spawn in the Manhunt world.
    False - Hostile mobs will not spawn in the Manhunt world.
  • PreyFinder
    True - Hunters can use their compasses to find the direction the nearest Prey is. The Hunters need to hold the compass and either right or left click.
    False - Hunters cannot use their compass to find the nearest prey.
  • FriendlyFire
    True - Players can damage their own team! It is recommended that this is turned off.
    False - Players cannot damage anyone on their own team.
  • InstantDeath
    True - All damage from enemies will result in instant death. Does not apply to teammates.
    False - Damage is dealt like vanilla Minecraft.
  • FlyingSpectators
    True - Allows spectators to fly.
    False - Disallows spectators flight. They will still be in creative mode, however, just unable to fly.
  • Loadouts
    True - Deals out automatic preset loadouts to all players. Hunters will receive their loadouts at sundown.
    False - Players maintain their inventories when the game begins.
  • TeamHats
    True - If "loadouts" is true, then teams will get team-specific hats. Hunters get red-wool hats, and Prey get leaf blocks for camouflage. These special hats will not be able to be picked up or used by players, effectively marking the location it's wearer was killed. Like a mini-grave!
    False - Teams do not get the special hats.
  • NorthCompass
    True - The compass will always point true north. This helps players use the Prey Finder.
    False - The compass will point to spawn like usual.
  • AutoJoin
    True - New players will be automatically assigned to team Hunter.
    False - New players will be automatically be spectators until assigned a team.
  • DayLimit
    Days - Number of days the Manhunt game will run. Must be greater than 0 and can be set to "off" so that the game runs indefinitely.
  • OfflineTimeout
    Seconds - The amount of time before offline players will be booted from the game. Measured in seconds, and can be set to "off".
  • SetupTime
    Minutes - The amount of time the Prey have to prepare for the hunt. Is measured in minutes and can be set to "off".
  • FinderCooldown
    Seconds - How long Hunters must wait for their Prey Locators to recharge after each use. Measured in seconds. Can be set to "0".
  • Intermission
    Minutes - Minutes between Manhunt games while in public mode. Cannot be turned off, will default to 1 minute if less than 0.
  • MinimumPlayers
    Integer - Players required to be online when the game automatically restarts. (Public mode only.)

World-Specific Settings

These settings are saved in the Manhunt world's folder. These settings are world specific and can be easily transferred

  • BoxedBoundary
    True - The Manhunt boundaries will by box-shapped, or rectangular.
    False - The Manhunt boundaries will be pill-shaped, with the Hunter and Prey spawns being the ends.
  • WorldBoundary
    Blocks - How large the Manhunt map is. Will restrict players to the boundary specified. Must be greater than or equal to 128 and can be set to "off".
  • SetupBoundary
    Blocks - Blocks from the pre-game spawn that Hunters are allowed to venture. Used to keep Hunters from spying on the Prey before they are allowed to. Measured in blocks and can be set to "off".
  • SpawnProtection
    Blocks - Blocks around each spawn players are not allowed to build. Meant to protect respawn zones from lava traps by the enemy team. Measured in blocks and can be set to "off".


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