
Manhunt Commands

Pages: Main | Help | Rules | Commands | Settings

Below is the list of commands available in Manhunt and what they do. All of these commands must be accessed in-game. No commands can be performed from the console. This will be remedied soon.

/m startgame
- Starts the Manhunt game.

/m stopgame
- Stops the Manhunt game.

/m help [page]
- Shows the built in list of commands. Add a page number to view different pages.

/m rules [page]
- Shows the in-game list of rules. Add a page number to view different pages.

/m info
- Gives Manhunt plugin info, including version number and a link to it's Bukkit page.

/m status
- Gives information on the current Manhunt game, including time left in the current stage.

/m list\ - Lists all current Manhunt players and their teams.

/m hunter [name]
- Makes you join team Hunters. Add another player's name to move them to team Hunters.

/m prey [name]
- Make you join team Prey. Add another player's name to assign them to team Prey.

/m spectate [name]
- Makes you a spectator. Add another player's name to make them a spectator.

/m lock
- Locks the teams and the world.

/m quit
- Quits the current Manhunt game.

/m kick <name>
- Kicks a player from the Manhunt game and the server. Case sensitive.

/m settings [page]
- Displays the list of Manhunt settings. Add a page number to view different pages.

/m set <setting> <value>
- Chances a Manhunt setting. Use "/m settings <page>" to see a list of settings.

/m spawn [ hunter | prey | setup | world]
- Teleports you to the world's spawn, or any other spawn point you choose.

/m setspawn [ all | world | hunter | prey | setup ]
- Sets the spawn point to where you're standing. You can set the world's spawn, or a Manhunt-specific spawn, or all points at once.

/m setworld*8
- Changes the world the Manhunt game takes place in to the one the Player is in.

/m setmode <private | public>
- Changes the Manhunt mode to either public or private.

/m listinv
- Lists all custom loadouts.

/m newinv <name>
- Saves the player's inventory as a new loadout (or overwrites an old one) with the given name.

/m loadinv <name>
- Loads a saved loadout with the given name into the player's inventory.

/m delinv <name>
- Deletes a saved loadout with the given name from file.

/m hunterinv [ name | default ]
- Sets the hunters loadout to a saved loadout, or the default Hunter loadout. Include no argument to load the hunter loadout into the player's inventory.

/m preyinv [ name | default ]
- Sets the prey loadout to a saved loadout, or the default Prey loadout. Include no argument to load the prey loadout into the player's inventory.