Note: MagicSpells is being maintained on this GitHub fork and you can find help at the official Discord.
MagicSpells is a Minecraft Bukkit plugin that creates magic spells your players can use. Its main purpose is to give your players access to certain abilities that you might not want to give them unlimited access to. However, instead of just giving them access to boring commands, they instead get more interesting spells. Each spell can be configured in many ways:
- Reagent costs (the cost of using the spell, including items, mana, health, hunger, experience, and item durability)
- Cooldowns (the amount of time a player must wait between uses)
- Durations (how long certain effects last)
- Ranges (how far away spells can be used from their target)
- Many more options, depending on the spell
Spells can be cast by using the /cast command, swinging a configurable wand item, or both. It's also possible to have them triggered from other actions the player may take. It's all customizable.
Before a player can cast a spell, they must already know it. There are several ways a player can learn a spell:
- Taught with the teach spell
- Learned from a spellbook
- Learned from a tome
- Gained from a grant permission
- Purchased from a shop
- Being a server op (they know all spells) For example, a server op can teach Bob the blink spell by typing: ''/cast teach bob blink''.
Once a spell is learned, it can be cast either by using the ''/cast'' command or by using a wand item. Now that Bob knows the blink spell, he can either cast it by command, by typing ''/cast blink'', or he can cast it with a wand item. To select the spell, he holds the wand in his hand and right clicks. Right clicking will cycle through any spells assigned to the item he is holding. When he has the one he wants, he left clicks to cast.
If Bob does not have the required reagents for the spell, or if he has cast it recently and it is still on cooldown, he will not be able to cast the spell and will instead receive an error message.
If mana is enabled, a player can use the ''/mana'' command to see how much mana they currently have. Mana can also be configured so it is displayed on the experience bar.
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Is there any way we can bind spells on fists? :S (Playing with mcmmo for unarmed skills)
Oh, so I can make it work like it says though? I would love torcharrow, just a bit confused about how to make it work like the idea of it.
Yes. After the permissions not working, I thought that a way to fix it would be to just make the cast item not a thing, alas it didnt work. This is probably for the better.
You probably want to set default-all-perms-false to true. Also, a lot of your cast-item options are very large numbers... is this intentional?
I just spent a while configuring this to the way I want it, but I always get this error.
This is my config.
The other problem I have is that even though I added permissions so that only people in the mage groups can cast spells, everyone can cast everything and nothing. Any rank can cycle through the spells on a wand, but no groups can use /cast for anything. This is my permissions config.
This plugin could not be better designed and thought out, nice job and I would like to see this plugin develope further.
I found out what it was :) I had to regenerate the magicspells map, now it works. Thanks for the help!
I've just tested MobArena v0.94.4.5 with MagicSpells v2.3.1 and it works fine, I'm not getting any startup errors. Are you sure you've upgraded to v2.3.1? It was released to fix this very issue.
That's the whole error? There should be more.
Yeah, its with 2.3.1, pail tells me this: 09:32 PM [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling MobArena v0.94.4.5 (Is it up to date?): com/nisovin/magicspells/events/SpellListener
Have you tried version 2.3.1?
I cant seem to get MobArena working witht his and since I spent a lot of time on the arena I had to remove this plugin, I will re-add this plugin later when it's updated. I use the latest verson of both plugins. I will add the error log tomorrow.
It's an example of a permission spell. It does nothing on its own.
How does torcharrow work? All it seems to be doing is saying I can now fire torch arrows.
Safefall was removed in 2.2, but you can use the invulnerability spell instead. See the default config for an example. As for the MobArena issue, please update to 2.3.1, as I think it should be fixed in that version.
hello, I am getting this error when start up the server. I might be messing with MobArena.
2012-02-01 19:52:47 [SEVERE] MagicSpells: Unable to load spell safefall (missing class com.nisovin.magicspells.spells.buff.SafefallSpell)
here is the error from MobArena:
I assume you aware that cast permissions are true by default?
ye i read that when i was making my permissions so basically i gave builders the blink permission and gave mods the carpet right? Now they dont inherit each other. So up to here its fine and now the builder can use blink when I teach it to them however if i teach the carpet to them they can still cast it even tho they do not have the permission for it....
You're contradicting yourself now. You're saying they can cast the spell, but you're also saying everyone is getting an error saying they can't cast the spell. Which is it? I think you may need to read this page more carefully:
there is another problem now, players dont have the permission magicspells.cast.blink
thats an example but they dont ahve the node for blink however it still allows them to use it. They dont have magicspells.cast.* either.....and they are not op
it also says you cannot cast that spell right now for everyone!