Note: MagicSpells is being maintained on this GitHub fork and you can find help at the official Discord.
MagicSpells is a Minecraft Bukkit plugin that creates magic spells your players can use. Its main purpose is to give your players access to certain abilities that you might not want to give them unlimited access to. However, instead of just giving them access to boring commands, they instead get more interesting spells. Each spell can be configured in many ways:
- Reagent costs (the cost of using the spell, including items, mana, health, hunger, experience, and item durability)
- Cooldowns (the amount of time a player must wait between uses)
- Durations (how long certain effects last)
- Ranges (how far away spells can be used from their target)
- Many more options, depending on the spell
Spells can be cast by using the /cast command, swinging a configurable wand item, or both. It's also possible to have them triggered from other actions the player may take. It's all customizable.
Before a player can cast a spell, they must already know it. There are several ways a player can learn a spell:
- Taught with the teach spell
- Learned from a spellbook
- Learned from a tome
- Gained from a grant permission
- Purchased from a shop
- Being a server op (they know all spells) For example, a server op can teach Bob the blink spell by typing: ''/cast teach bob blink''.
Once a spell is learned, it can be cast either by using the ''/cast'' command or by using a wand item. Now that Bob knows the blink spell, he can either cast it by command, by typing ''/cast blink'', or he can cast it with a wand item. To select the spell, he holds the wand in his hand and right clicks. Right clicking will cycle through any spells assigned to the item he is holding. When he has the one he wants, he left clicks to cast.
If Bob does not have the required reagents for the spell, or if he has cast it recently and it is still on cooldown, he will not be able to cast the spell and will instead receive an error message.
If mana is enabled, a player can use the ''/mana'' command to see how much mana they currently have. Mana can also be configured so it is displayed on the experience bar.
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You could make an anti-magic zone with a really, really big size.
Which version did you update from?
There will be an invisibility spell once the next RB comes out.
Some animals work better than others, you just have to try them. The good news is once Minecraft 1.2 comes out, I think I'll be able to have better control over their AI.
what do u think about temp invisibility? im looking for that one cuz i want a Thief/Spy on my RPG server and thats used to be the main ability for Thief's
Hey nisovin! I made a spell copy called pet, which works much like the minion spells but calls spiders 100% of the time.. Its for a hunter class, I was wondering if I could make it work for wolf and cavespider as well? Haven't tested wolfs or cavespider but spider works great, thought it would be easier to ask first :P
when I updated to 2.3.1 none of the spells I had before work now. Any idea why?
You should be able to set whole worlds to block magic, this way it makes it seem like the mod isnt even installed on some worlds.
ah. thank you both of u
Those spells still on the stick are there by default, because you didn't set anything for them. If you don't want those spells to be castable by wand, there's an option for that too (can-cast-with-item).
You're looking for grant permissions.
First, you're supposed to use pastebin to post conigs and such.
For multiworld support, you can use bPermissions to have different configs for different worlds.
That wasn't phrased very well*, I meant, is there a permissions to be able to cast the spell immediately after spawning, without learning it?
*come to think of it, I didn't even ask what I was trying to
oh also, is there anyway to make it so spells dont do damage in no pvp worlds but can still do damage in pvp worlds?
@nisovin Yes to all. It seems to be only spells starting with letters M to S
This is explained in detail here:
I know it's easy to understand, but I'm tired now, for permissions, the learn node means they can get it from a bookshelf, tome, or admin teaching them, and cast means one can cast it immediately?
Set the coordinates to something like "50,10,40".
Are you sure you've correctly changed all the spells? Have you reloaded the server? Can I see your config file? If you've done everything correctly, it should work fine.
hi, i want to make it so all players have to use blaze rods to cast spells instead of sticks. i went in the config file and changed the cast item to blaze rods id and it works fine....but heres the problem; half of the spells still work with the stick! and i know i dont have them binded because i even checked my spellbook file...
is there anyway to make it so no spells can be casted with the stick? thanks in advanced
Can the gate spells be used to take players to warps or co-ordinates if so can you please show an example of which.
I just want to say that MagicSpells is a vital part of my PvP server, and I want to thank you for creating this well made plugin. Using both ScriptBlock and PermissionsBukkit, I managed to create 4 distinct classes (switchable at any time) that utilizes many of the spells offered by MagicSpells. Once again, thank you, and I look forward to new spells in the future.
It's a plugin. That's why it's a Permission spell.
No, sorry.
Not currently.
I was wondering if there's a way to start a player with no mana but still have the mana bar be able to be filled. I am wanting a setup where mana is only obtained by potions and not through regen. Either way, lovin' this plugin! :)