Note: MagicSpells is being maintained on this GitHub fork and you can find help at the official Discord.
MagicSpells is a Minecraft Bukkit plugin that creates magic spells your players can use. Its main purpose is to give your players access to certain abilities that you might not want to give them unlimited access to. However, instead of just giving them access to boring commands, they instead get more interesting spells. Each spell can be configured in many ways:
- Reagent costs (the cost of using the spell, including items, mana, health, hunger, experience, and item durability)
- Cooldowns (the amount of time a player must wait between uses)
- Durations (how long certain effects last)
- Ranges (how far away spells can be used from their target)
- Many more options, depending on the spell
Spells can be cast by using the /cast command, swinging a configurable wand item, or both. It's also possible to have them triggered from other actions the player may take. It's all customizable.
Before a player can cast a spell, they must already know it. There are several ways a player can learn a spell:
- Taught with the teach spell
- Learned from a spellbook
- Learned from a tome
- Gained from a grant permission
- Purchased from a shop
- Being a server op (they know all spells) For example, a server op can teach Bob the blink spell by typing: ''/cast teach bob blink''.
Once a spell is learned, it can be cast either by using the ''/cast'' command or by using a wand item. Now that Bob knows the blink spell, he can either cast it by command, by typing ''/cast blink'', or he can cast it with a wand item. To select the spell, he holds the wand in his hand and right clicks. Right clicking will cycle through any spells assigned to the item he is holding. When he has the one he wants, he left clicks to cast.
If Bob does not have the required reagents for the spell, or if he has cast it recently and it is still on cooldown, he will not be able to cast the spell and will instead receive an error message.
If mana is enabled, a player can use the ''/mana'' command to see how much mana they currently have. Mana can also be configured so it is displayed on the experience bar.
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How do I edit fireball to do no environmental damage. Yet effect players
This is what mine looks like but the fireballs are still doing world damage.
I'm guessing I set no-fire and no-explosion to true?
the problem ended up being that one of the spells was 1 space off in the config and messed with the yaml configuration. I am looking at the mana now its weird as it seems to work for some spells but no others however they are all set up the same way
It's the blind spell. Why not try it out and see?
What ended up being the problem? And can I see your current config again?
ok i fixed the issue with messages and everything works now and its 400/400 mana but it still does not take mana from you when you use spell and im not op or have the permission for having mana forever or unlimited
nope im sure its the right one lol,ive been running severs for a while now bud
What this is spell?
You aren't perhaps changing the wrong config.yml file, are you? Like you've got it saved in two places, and you're modifying the wrong one?
man i still cant get this to work i tried it with quotes still same thing,doesnt take any mana and max mana is still 100 when i set it to 400....its irritating because it doesnt make sense or explain what im doing wrong:/
latest config:
so "%a hello?"
You're definitely getting errors in the console when the plugin loads. If you use a % as the first character in a string, you need to enclose that string in quotes.
no errors in console,plugin is loaded fine using latest RB 3 and i mean /cast alone and /cast list and /cast bind works and does the messages but the rest dont actually play out their spell or effect of that spell.. I also ahve maximum of 400 mana but i still get 100/100 when i do /mana and i have 100 out of 100 at all times. Some spells it is saying i dont know even tho i do since my admin has been teaching them to me for testing purposes. Also some of the spells do work but none of the messages for it show up
I'm not sure what you mean by "none of them actually do what they are supposed to". Are they casting? Is mana being consumed? Are there errors? Give me specific examples here, please.
can u test this...
because in the list the spells coem up but none of them actually do what they are suppose to..
Yes, I'm sure. I used your exact config and it worked fine.
are you sure???im not op and im testing it
It works fine for me. The spell casts and the mana is removed correctly. You're probably playing as op with magicspells.noreagents active.
thats the config all i changed was up to the blind spell
You probably have an error in your config file.