SavedItems example
These files are stored in \plugins\ItemLoreStats\SavedItems\ these are configs generated using the /ils export <item_name> command. They can be re-imported to specific players with the /ils give <player_name> <item_name> command, or you can get creative and give them to players using command blocks.
Item: ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack type: DIAMOND_SWORD damage: 33 meta: ==: ItemMeta meta-type: UNSPECIFIC display-name: §d§lSlaying Thrustblade lore: - '' - '§bWeapon Speed: §cSlow' - '§bDamage: §a+§268§2-§293' - '§bCrit Chance: §24§a%' - '§cIgnition: §27§a%' - '§5Harming: §23§a%' - '' - '§6Durability: 350/350' - '' - '§3Level: 1' - §3Bound to Supavitax enchants: DAMAGE_ALL: 5