IBan is a simple, but highly efficient banning plugin. Unlike some ban plugins, IBans uses a Sqlite database to log/write faster without any annoying ticks per second drops. This plugin was mainly developed because i got tried of not being able to view someones ban information with a simple command.
- Permission support
- Simple GUI
- SQlite support
- MySQL support
- Import
- Export
- Lightweight
- Console freindly
- Config file
new: /iexport <ban/ipban>(exports bans into bukkit format)
new: /iimport <Essentials/Bukkit/BukkitIP> (imports bans)
new: /itempban <amount> <timetype> <reason> (Temp bans)
TimeTypes: s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month)
- iban.ban: Permission to use /iban
- iban.unban: Permission to use /iunban
- iban.check: Permission to use /icheck
- iban.ipban: Permission to use /ipban
- iban.ipunban: Permission to use /ipunban
- iban.ipcheck: Permission to use /ipcheck
- iban.ipremove: Permission to use /ipremove
- iban.kick: Permission to use /ikick
- iban.help: Permission to use /ihelp
- iban.reload: Permission to use /ireload
- iban.admin: Permission to use all commands
- iban.export: Permission to export bans
- iban.temp: Permission to use tempbans
- iban.import: Permission to importbans
- when a player is banned twice in a single session it writes an error -fix coming soon!
It does work, your probably misspelling the name..
Are you kidding me the iunban does not work! So, i just got rid of the fucking co-owner of the fucking server! and its not even my server! jeses
Not to be mean im just freaking mad Jesus*
Are you kidding me the iunban does not work! So, i just got rid of the fucking co-owner of the fucking server! and its not even my server! jeses
It does work, idk what your trying to do.
iTemp not working ..
Check the config, it has many options you can either disable, or enable.
"type: mysql
for MySQL support?" Yup, of course it's not mandatory and it wont impact the performance at all. Only use mysql if your running this plugin on multiple servers and want the banlist to remain the same on every server.
When i ban a online user this broadcast YOU ARE BANNED, reason, by bla bla to all users. How i hide this?. broadcasting working bad
type: mysql
for MySQL support?
Yup, normal bans override all other bans. I would have to write up my own event system to allow for configuration ( I MIGHTT DO THIS )
One of my admins said:
"Chase, when we IPbanned we used to see the banned IP when doing /icheck on the banned name. With the last update we don't see the IP anymore, most likely because it performs a normal ban on the name immediately after the IPban.
Could you ask the developer if he can make it so we still see the banned IP when /ichecking?
Would be nice, to be able to change language of times.I mean, Minute, hour = minuta, godzina, something like that.(Polish) Also, I dont like console spamming with reasons etc, when banned player joins server. Can you fix that? Thanks.
Are you running the latest build? Please post your error, if your using mysql, switch to sqlite.
When I used to /iunban (player name) command to unban a player I get "An eternal error occurred while attempting to perform this command". Does anyone know what might be causing this? I can't unban anyone,
Works fine for us, no permissions given.
That's very weird, my broadcast are in no way permission related.
Does this plugin support flat file storage?Nevermind. It works fine as it is.
I have all broadcasts set to true. Still no group but the admin group can see broadcasts, wich is the only group with an iban permission (iban.admin)
Using Pex.
Whats the permission to see the broadcasts? With the admin permission I can see it but other groups can't.
@bob7l You should make a exempt perm, so that some users cannot get banned.