IBan is a simple, but highly efficient banning plugin. Unlike some ban plugins, IBans uses a Sqlite database to log/write faster without any annoying ticks per second drops. This plugin was mainly developed because i got tried of not being able to view someones ban information with a simple command.
- Permission support
- Simple GUI
- SQlite support
- MySQL support
- Import
- Export
- Lightweight
- Console freindly
- Config file
new: /iexport <ban/ipban>(exports bans into bukkit format)
new: /iimport <Essentials/Bukkit/BukkitIP> (imports bans)
new: /itempban <amount> <timetype> <reason> (Temp bans)
TimeTypes: s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month)
- iban.ban: Permission to use /iban
- iban.unban: Permission to use /iunban
- iban.check: Permission to use /icheck
- iban.ipban: Permission to use /ipban
- iban.ipunban: Permission to use /ipunban
- iban.ipcheck: Permission to use /ipcheck
- iban.ipremove: Permission to use /ipremove
- iban.kick: Permission to use /ikick
- iban.help: Permission to use /ihelp
- iban.reload: Permission to use /ireload
- iban.admin: Permission to use all commands
- iban.export: Permission to export bans
- iban.temp: Permission to use tempbans
- iban.import: Permission to importbans
- when a player is banned twice in a single session it writes an error -fix coming soon!
Is there any way you could add /kick and /mute and /tempban, they can be very useful to the plugin!
Gerat plugin but he doesn't have tempban and mute ;((( Please add this command
Does this occur every time you use that command?
No temp bans, that might be added later. But the custom kit/bans are on, and extremely configurable.
Does this have temp bans and custom kick/ban messages?
/imute ? :)
I believe essentials would override iban.
what happens if i use essentials to ban people? i am the admin and i have the permissions of everything... so if i /ban player it will use essentials and if i type /iban player it uses this plugin right? bit, if any of my mods uses the /ban command as /ban player Griefing notch's house, when i use /icheck will that show the ban reason?
Not sure.
how can i convert commandbook band (in csv file) to iban?
Ahh, try to use none cap letters. I guess the searches mess up with caps. Have you solved your issue with the unbannable person?
I stated a few things...
Also i get this error on some people
I only support export atm, if you use mysql with this plugin you can easily edit the tables with phpmyadmin. Not sure about sqlite though..
I don't think its case sensitive ;/
Ill try exporting and re-importing.
I exported... but how do i re-import?
Also your commands image is really outdated.
Your commands state "/iban export" when the command "/iexport" works.
Using /iban import bans the player "import. I tried to unban and got this error.
Ahh, to fix this your might have to.. Remove them directly from the sql,
remove the name (case sensitive!) ex: /iunban BoB7L
You should export the data, and manually remove the inserts for his name, then reimport.
You could try /remove (ip)
During an older build, we was testing banning. We banned one of our staff members. Now everytime the server restarts, he gets banned again. This only happens with him, and we unban him everytime the server restarts (which is four times a day). We have tried rebanning and unbanning, unbanning normally, using default methods and nothing will fix it. I checked for his IP in default flatfile and name in flatfile, he isn't there. We don't know what else to do and we need him banned. i have no idea how to edit a DB but if i upload it can you manually remove him from it and upload it so we can have this issue fixed?
Does this have custom ban/kick screen messages?
Looks like eclipse messed up on compiling the plugin, recompiled and tested: