IBan is a simple, but highly efficient banning plugin. Unlike some ban plugins, IBans uses a Sqlite database to log/write faster without any annoying ticks per second drops. This plugin was mainly developed because i got tried of not being able to view someones ban information with a simple command.
- Permission support
- Simple GUI
- SQlite support
- MySQL support
- Import
- Export
- Lightweight
- Console freindly
- Config file
new: /iexport <ban/ipban>(exports bans into bukkit format)
new: /iimport <Essentials/Bukkit/BukkitIP> (imports bans)
new: /itempban <amount> <timetype> <reason> (Temp bans)
TimeTypes: s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month)
- iban.ban: Permission to use /iban
- iban.unban: Permission to use /iunban
- iban.check: Permission to use /icheck
- iban.ipban: Permission to use /ipban
- iban.ipunban: Permission to use /ipunban
- iban.ipcheck: Permission to use /ipcheck
- iban.ipremove: Permission to use /ipremove
- iban.kick: Permission to use /ikick
- iban.help: Permission to use /ihelp
- iban.reload: Permission to use /ireload
- iban.admin: Permission to use all commands
- iban.export: Permission to export bans
- iban.temp: Permission to use tempbans
- iban.import: Permission to importbans
- when a player is banned twice in a single session it writes an error -fix coming soon!
Huh? The new update checks all ban types, if none of them contain the players IP/Name it wont attempt to unban him. If it wont attempt to unban him, he isn't banned, or your misspelling his name.
It's /iexport ipbans or /iexport bans
/iexport now does nothing on 1.6.2 ;'<
Once we add this update... how will we be able to unban him xD?
He was never banned twice. You also can't unban twice since it says he isn't banned. When i export bans he isn't even in the file (May be my mistake since i unbanned before exporting maybe...)
Ohh! It could be because you guys double ban people. If that's the case, try to unban the user twice. I'll add support for mulitble unbans in the next release.
Edit: Nvm found the issue
Fixed: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/iban/files/15-iban-v1-6-2/
I have an issue. A user named Drougr was ipbanned. However we have the glitch where they are rebanned each restart. I went to unban him like we did for the other person who had this, by removing there name from the export and importing.. however he was ipbanned...
/iexport don't export ipbans... so we are stuck.... What do we do?
If we were to switch plugins, we would lose all ipbans because this don't export then? It just says "forever"?
Hey, i have a suggestion that we would really appreciate. When someone /ipbans a player. Please make it ban the username at the same time. See when we ipban someoen we have to /iban them aswell, otherwise they can just get a proxy and log back into there account.
Would save us a lot of time if usernames were automatically banned with each /ipban
Your love, Chase.
The {time} string don't work. It don't display the time on the build you just gave me. Also as i previously mentioned i think it was better before. (/itemp mrchasez 1 second) over (/itemp mrchasez 1s). Probably just me though.
Did you look at my config? All the messages are default even though i have them setup?
EDIT: I pasted the wrong config xD! Here is the correct one: http://pastie.org/5680050
I do see two errors though
Edit2: All the issues were my fault -.-
I have gotten everything working now
Ok, try this build: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/iban/files/14-iban-v1-6-1/
/ireload worked perfect during testing, i tried it on every single config option. I didn't get any paser errors while editing my config, i even changed a string to )%(@_%@#. This build should be stable, if you get any errors please report them!
I am not missing any of those. Here is my config
You need to do this:
'this is my default message.'
this is my default message.
Edit: Also i think the config not changing on /ireload is because I put the broadcast handler inside my Util which is a static. I'll just make an instance instead. Thanks for the error message, if the ' ' doesn't fix your issue upload the config and I will work on it
Edit: Oh wait i think i figured out your issue, could you upload the config for me please?
Sorry for triple post. I am going to try and delete the whole config and plugin. Reupload let the config generate. Stop the server. Edit the config, and start the server again. See if custom messages are then working.
Edit: Where is the error? I can't find it.
First the config reset. Now when i change it back to how it was and /ireload nothing changes. The kick messages the ban messages they are all default (even though they arent in the config). Really a huge shame. Im going to try to downgrade
No keep the format how it is, after testing it i really like it!
However thanks for the warning that the config would reset /sarcasm. Got to spend a long time figuring out the old messages -.-
I didn't even notice that xD
I'll be releasing a new build in a little.. I somehow messed up minute and made it hour haha.. Anyways, I'll change it to /itemp <player> 1d, or 1m <reason>.
Can you please change /iban tempban to simply /itemp would make staffs life easier. We currently use essentails for tempban but if you make this change we will start with this. Thanks
(/itemp bob71 1d)
Edit: It is /itemp. You list it as "new: /iban tempban" above.
Liking the looks of this plugin, i'm probably going to check it out. :)
IBans 1.6 is out! Enjoy!!
I'm actually considering a /ITemp ban.