IBan is a simple, but highly efficient banning plugin. Unlike some ban plugins, IBans uses a Sqlite database to log/write faster without any annoying ticks per second drops. This plugin was mainly developed because i got tried of not being able to view someones ban information with a simple command.
- Permission support
- Simple GUI
- SQlite support
- MySQL support
- Import
- Export
- Lightweight
- Console freindly
- Config file
new: /iexport <ban/ipban>(exports bans into bukkit format)
new: /iimport <Essentials/Bukkit/BukkitIP> (imports bans)
new: /itempban <amount> <timetype> <reason> (Temp bans)
TimeTypes: s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month)
- iban.ban: Permission to use /iban
- iban.unban: Permission to use /iunban
- iban.check: Permission to use /icheck
- iban.ipban: Permission to use /ipban
- iban.ipunban: Permission to use /ipunban
- iban.ipcheck: Permission to use /ipcheck
- iban.ipremove: Permission to use /ipremove
- iban.kick: Permission to use /ikick
- iban.help: Permission to use /ihelp
- iban.reload: Permission to use /ireload
- iban.admin: Permission to use all commands
- iban.export: Permission to export bans
- iban.temp: Permission to use tempbans
- iban.import: Permission to importbans
- when a player is banned twice in a single session it writes an error -fix coming soon!
Aaa ok :) And if one day rise /imute ?
Idk, could be a bukkit bug
/ikick SzymonOwca test
The reason is: end of steam!! WHY
Source ? ;P
But /icheck only shows the current stats, i'd like to be able to see the whole history.
I'd like to post a suggestion. I do not know, if you've heard this before, but i'd be pleased, if you could add /imute and /iunmute, as some plugins are causing issues with /mute.
Aswell, it would be awesome if you could do like player record, where you can see When/for what/for how long has the certain player been banned/kicked/muted for! That would be awesome.. Eider a command /irecord <playername> or just files.
I've been trying to find a better way todo it. I don't want to implement the filter lol.
Can you remove the messages from console lol?
Okey I used /iexport bans, it gives a message "succesfully wrote bans to export-bans.txt!" but I can't find the file anywhere.
Hmm, a very specific version #584 i believe is where this issue started to occur. We are using netty though. Yeah those messages are annoying, have a disable option or remove them all together. No need to see that a banned player tried to join, or make a simple single line "Player tried to login, but banned!"
Not an Iban problem, but i do see how those ban messages are annoying now lol..
Most likely, if your running spignot, your also running netty. Netty is most defiantly efficient, but it does have bugs.
We have a big issue.. our server has been spammed and crashed three times now.
You can see here: http://pastebin.com/msppHPSE
A few bots try to join, which are blocked and then at the bottom it starts doing that protocol error, and it does that thousands and thousands of times, and with other banned players too sometimes. Kind of a major issue. Started happening on the latest builds of bukkit/spigot.
Not sure if the error is from this or another plugin in mind.
I did spell it right there is an internal error with the plugin :/
Idk.. You could just use iexport?
He copied it offa me.
Why did you name the same plugin as other dude.i am just curious.
Why is there no /ilist or /ibanlist I would really like to have the possibility to see a list of players that are banned, and why etc.
Oh, since i didn't want to run any timers/schedulars i decided to use system mills to decide for the time (much more light). Low means they are unbanned, but wont be removed from the check list until they log in.
Could be the "can't unban glich". We have only had it twice since ever using the plugin. The last was over a month ago though, thought you fixed it, or the guy is doing something wrong :P
When we use /icheck on a certain player, it states all the normal stuff but towards the bottom (second to last line) it states "Time: Low". What does that mean?