Ban system

With the bansystem you can ban players from GTD.You can ban them as a specific character or for a specific time. Of course you can banish him forever too:

  • With the command "/gtd ban <Player>" you can banish the player. The reason is the defaultreason, you configured in the configuration file.
  • You can add more options:
    • "/gtd ban <Player> -time:<Time> -team:<Team> -reason:<Reason>"
      • You don't need to use all options!
      • The time is in second and the avaiable characters are cop and civilian. The reason need to be the last option:
      • Befehl: "/gtd ban <Player> -time:10 -reason:Don't hack -team:cop" -> The player get banned for 10 minutes with the reason: "Don't hack -c:cop".
      • Right usage is: Command: "/gtd ban <Player> -time:10 -team:cop -reason:Don't hack" -> The player gets banned as cop for 10 minutes with the reason: "Don't hack".