
Teleport Commands

These are commands used for teleportation. It's generally not recommended to give regular players futuresuite.commands.teleport.*.

Command syntax

<required argument>
[optional argument]
<option1 | option2>
[CorrespondingOption1 | CorrespondingOption2]

/back will allow you to return to your last location.

/home will allow you to set a home and teleport to it later.
/home [name | flags...] [value]
-d to delete a home.
-l to list your homes.
-p to go to a player's home.
-s to set a home.

/requests will allow you to view your requests.
/requests [filter]

/spawn will allow you to teleport to spawn.
/spawn [flags...] [value]
-s to set a spawn.
-w for a specific world's spawn.
-sw to set a world's spawn point.

/tp will allow you to teleport and accept/reject teleport requests.
/tp [player] <target> [flags...] [value...]
-a to accept a teleport request.
-c to teleport to co-ordinates.
-d to deny a teleport request.
-o to force a teleport (equivalent to /tpo).
-h to teleport to you.

/tpa will allow you to ask to teleport.
/tpa <player> [flags...]
-h to ask to teleport to you.
-a to ask all players to teleport to you.
-ha has no purpose.

/tpperm will allow players to permanently teleport to you. It's a mix between /tp and /tpa, in which once you've been granted permission to teleport, you may always do so afterwards.
/tpperm <flags...> [value...]
-a to add a player to your permanent-teleport list. This means they can teleport to you, but not vice versa.
-l to list people who can teleport to you and who you can teleport to.
-r to remove a player from your perm-tp list.
-t to actually teleport.

/tptoggle will allow you to enable and disable teleportation. -o will still override this.
/tptoggle <option> [value]
tpa accept, reject, or prompt - Whether to automatically accept or reject requests, or prompt you.
tp allow or deny Whether to allow people to /tp to you or /tp -h you to them. (overridden by -o)
silent on or off Whether or not you send notifications to people you teleport to.
alwaysoverride on or off Whether to automatically apply the override flag when using /tp.


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