

These are cheats. Don't give futuresuite.commands.cheats.* to regular players.

Command syntax

<required argument>
[optional argument]
<option1 | option2>
[CorrespondingOption1 | CorrespondingOption2]

/clear will allow you to clear your inventory.
/clear [player] <flags...> [value]
-a to clear armour
-b to clear certain blocks
-h to clear hotbar
-i to clear inventory (not hotbar or armour)

/dispname will allow you to set a display name.
/dispname [alias | flags...] [value]
-p to target a player.
-r to remove a display name.
-pr may be used to remove another player's display name.

/enchant will allow you to enchant items.
/enchant <enchantment | auto> [level] [flags...]
-a to enchant armour.
-i to enchant everything in your inventory.

/fly will allow you to fly.
/fly [player] [flags] [value]
-s to set your flight speed (0 - 10).

/gamemode will allow you to change your gamemode.
/gamemode [player] [0/1/2 | survival/creative/adventure]

/give will allow you to spawn in items.
/give <item>[:meta] [amount] [flags...] [value]
-d allows you to drop the items like the vanilla /give.
-i to make an infinite stack.
-p to set a player.

/god will allow you to become invincible.
/god [player] [on | off]

/item will allow you to spawn in items.
/item <item>[:meta] [amount] [flags...]
-d allows you to drop the items like the vanilla /give.
-i to make an infinite stack.

/mob will allow you to change spawners and spawn in mobs.
/mob <type> [flags...] [value...]
-a to set anger level.
-b to burn the mob.
-c to set amount of mobs spawned (count).
-m to give the animal a mount.
-t to tame the animal and set its owner (set to command sender if no argument is supplied)

/pacify will allow you to pacify hostile mobs.
/pacify [flag...] [value]
-r to set a pacification radius.

/player will allow you to manage players.
/player <heal | feed | kill> [player]

/repair will allow you to repair items.
/repair [flags...]
-a to repair armour items
-e to repair enchanted items
-h to repair hotbar items
-i to repair inventory items (not hotbar or armour)

/table will allow you to craft items on the go.

/time will allow you to set the time.
/time [time#] [t | am | pm] [flags...] [value...]
-l to lock the time.
-p to set a player's time.
-s to silently set the time.
-w to set a world's time remotely.

/weather will allow you to change the weather.
/weather <sun | rain> [world]


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