
Moderator Commands

Commands to be issued to moderators. Under no circumstances should you give your normal players futuresuite.commands.mod.*.

Command syntax

<required argument>
[optional argument]
<option1 | option2>
[CorrespondingOption1 | CorrespondingOption2]

/ac will allow you to enter admin chat.
/ac [flags | message...]
-t to toggle admin chat.

/ban will allow you to ban players.
/ban <player> [flags...] [value...]
-r to specify a reason.
-s to silently ban.
-t to temporarily ban.

/broadcast will allow you to broadcast messages to the entire server.
/broadcast [flags] <message...> Notice: -r must be the first argument if it is used.
-r to stop colour formatting (e.g. posting a YouTube link).

/kick will allow you to kick players.
/kick <player> [flags...] [value]
-r to specify a reason.
-s to kick silently.

/mute will allow you to mute players.
/mute <player> [flags...] [value]
-r to specify a reason displayed to the player when he/she tries to chat.
-t to specify a length for the mute.

/pinfo will allow you to see various information about players (such as IP, gamemode, etc.)
/pinfo <player> <flags...>
-i to show IP data.
-l to show location data.
-m to show metadata.

/say will allow you to broadcast messages to the server.
/say [flags...] <message> Note: -r must be the first argument if it is used.
-r to stop colour formatting.

/spy will allow you to spy on private messages and mail.
/spy [on | off]

/unban will allow you to unban players.
/unban <player>


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