
General Commands

These are the commands that would be issued for standard players. Any command deemed safe for a regular player to have is under this, so it's safe to give players futuresuite.commands.general.*.

Command syntax

<required argument>
[optional argument]
<option1 | option2>
[CorrespondingOption1 | CorrespondingOption2]

/afk will allow you to mark yourself as away. This is generally done to show you're not there and are busy with other things.
/afk [flags...]
-l to broadcast you're AFK.
-p <player> to mark-as-AFK another player.
-r <reason...> to supply a reason.

/compass will allow you to get your headings.
/compass [player]

/getpos will allow you to get your exact location.
/getpos [player] [flags...]
-e for an exact location.
/help will allow you to view command help.
/help [topic] [P#]

/ignore will allow you to stop receiving player messages.
/ignore <flags...> [value]
-a to add players to your ignore list.
-c to clear your ignore list.
-l to list ignored players.
-r to remove an ignored player.
-s to silence chat from all players.

/info will allow you to view information about the server.
/info [flags | topic] [value | P#]
-s to search for text.

/list will allow you to view a list of online players.
/list [flags...] [filter]
-c to get a count of players only.
-g to isolate a permissions group.
-m to list all moderators (players with permission futuresuite.mod).
-p to isolate players.

/mail will allow you to send messages to offline players.
/mail <flags...> [value...]
-c to clear mail.
-m to read another player's mail (need permission futuresuite.mod.mail.moderate).
-r to read your own mail.
-s to send mail.

/motd will allow you to see the message sent to you when you log in.

/msg will allow you to send private messages to other players.
/msg [player] [message...]

/r will allow you to quickly respond to private messages sent to you.
/r [message...]

/ping will allow you to check if the server is lagging.

/rname will allow you to view a person's actual username.
/rname [player | flags]
-a to view the real usernames of everyone with an alias.

/rules will allow you to view the server rules.

/session will allow you to enter a private chat with a moderator and get help.
/session <flags...> [value]
-a to add a person to the conversation.
-c to create a session and send a notification to all moderators.
-e to end a session.
-g to target a group to request a session with (will send a notification to all online group members asking for help).
-m to toggle chatting in session chat and any external channel.
-o to toggle listening to external chat.
-t to name a topic (sent with notifications if you specify this).

/suicide will allow you to kill yourself.
/suicide [flags]
-f to force a suicide.


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