
Commands Configuration Area Plugins Frequently Asked Questions Developer API

Below is the list of permissions available. In order to modify a flag you must give a user both the command permission and the specific flag permission. In addition they must have permission in the area, however giving them the write command permissions automatically grants the user permission for areas owned by them.

Command Permissions

All write permissions automatically inherit read permissions. For example, there is no need to give flags.command.flag.set and flags.command.flag.

flags.commandGrants access to all commands and read/write actions.false
flags.command.flagGrants access to the flag command and read actions.true
flags.command.flag.setGrants access to the flag command and read/write actions.false
flags.command.flag.chargeGrants access to change the price of a flag.op
flags.command.bundleGrants access to the bundle command and read actions.true
flags.command.bundle.setGrants access to the bundle command and read/write actions.false
flags.command.bundle.editGrants access to the bundle command and bundle editing actions.op
flags.view.permtrustWhen using /flag viewtrust command, players with this permission also see permission trusts.op

Area Permissions

Areas owned by the player are assumed if the player has the ability to use the write command actions. All area permissions automatically inherit the write permissions for the appropriate command. For example, there is no need to give flags.area.flag.others and flags.command.flag.set.

flags.areaGrants access to all plugin write command actions in all areas.false
flags.area.flagGrants access to all flag write command actions in all area.false
flags.area.flag.othersGrants access to use flag write actions at areas owned by others.op
flags.area.flag.adminGrants access to use flag write actions at administrator areas.op
flags.area.flag.worldGrants access to use flag write actions in the world.op
flags.area.flag.defaultGrants access to use flag write actions on the server defaults.op
flags.area.bundleGrants access to all bundle write command actions in all area.false
flags.area.bundle.othersGrants access to use bundle write actions at areas owned by others.op
flags.area.bundle.adminGrants access to use bundle write actions at administrator areas.op
flags.area.bundle.worldGrants access to use bundle write actions in the world.op
flags.area.bundle.defaultGrants access to use bundle write actions on the server defaults.op

Flag/Bundle Permissions

flags.flagGrants ability to set all flag types.op
flags.flag.<flagname>Grants ability to use the provided flag.false
flags.bundleGrants ability to set all bundle types.op
flags.bundle.<bundlename>Grants ability to use the provided bundle.false
flags.bypassGrants ability to bypass all player flag effects.false
flags.bypass.<flagname>Grants ability to bypass the effects of the provided flag.false

Sector Permissions

flags.sector.createGrants the ability to create sectors.op
flags.command.sectorGrants the ability to use the sector command.op
flags.command.sector.deleteGrants the ability to delete a sector.op
flags.command.sector.deleteallGrants the ability to delete all sectors.op

Administrator Permissions

flags.admin.commandGives players the ability to use the Flags administration command (not to be confused with the /flag command)op
flags.admin.notifyupdatePlayers with this permission receive in-game notifications when Flags is out of date as they first login to the server if checking is turned on.op