Modules/Player Module

Commands Configuration Permissions System Specific Implementations Frequently Asked Questions Developer API

The player module creates flags that are oriented around allowing or denying the player the ability to perform actions.

FlagDescriptionBukkit APIPlayer Flag
AllowTpInAllows or denies teleporting into a area.
AllowTpOutAllows or denies teleporting out of a area.
AnvilToggles the ability to use anvils in the area.
BreedingEnables or disables animal breeding.
CommandsEnables or disables using commands.
EatAllows or denies eating or drinking from inside the area (including potions).1.5+
ExperienceAllows or denies gaining experience in the area.
FishingAllows or denies fishing from inside the area.
ItemDropAllows or denies dropping items.
ItemPickupAllows or denies picking up items.
LevelAllows or denies gaining levels in the area.
PortalAllows or denies the use of portals in the area.
TradingAllows or denies villager trading.
TrapDoorAllows or denies the use of Trap Doors in the area.