Modules/Creature Spawn Module

Commands Configuration Permissions Frequently Asked Questions Developer API

The Creature Spawn Module governs flags for all of the possible spawn reasons (note: breeding animals is a part of the Player Module and not covered here.)

FlagDescriptionBukkit API
BreedVillagerEnables or disables villager breeding.
BuildGolemAllows or denies building of iron golems by the player.
BuildSnowmanAllows or denies building of snow golems.
BuildWitherAllows or denies building of the Wither boss.1.4+
SlimeSplitEnables or disables slimes splitting when killed.1.2.5+
SpawnByPluginEnables or disables mob spawning by 3rd party plugins.
SpawnChunkToggles spawns that occur due to chunk generation.
SpawnEggEnables or disables mob spawning using thrown chicken eggs.
SpawnGolemEnables or disables iron golem spawning due to village population.
SpawnInvasionEnables or disables an invasion occuring in a village.
SpawnJockeyEnables or disables mobs spawning as jockeys of other mobs.
SpawnLightningEnables or disables mobs spawning due to lightning strike.
SpawnMobEnables or disables mob spawning by natural means.
SpawnReinforcementsEnables or disables mobs calling for reinforcements.1.6.2+
SpawnerEnables or disables mob spawning by mob spawners.
SpawnerEggEnables or disables creative mode mob spawner eggs.
SpawnOtherToggles spawns that occur for any reason not handled by another flag.