
mode: factions
Mode allows to choose which core plugin you are using, at this moment only factions is supported.

Permission-Mode: default
Options: default or unique
Permission node allows to choose from simple or multiple permissions, explained at Permissions Guide.

Message-Color-Error: RED
Plugin error messages color.

Message-Color-Normal: GOLD
Plugin normal message colors.

CaptureSign-XP: XP
Defines use of "/fcapture XP" sign command format, XP can be translated to anything you wish.

CaptureSign-Money: Money
Defines use of "/fcapture Money" sign command format, Money can be translated to anything you wish.

Broadcast-CaptureChecks: false
Should plugin broadcast message to all players when Capture Point rewards have been given out.

Send-CaptureReward-Messages: true
Should plugin send message to player once they receive Capture Point rewards.

Money-Amount: 15
Default amount of money rewards if you dont setup sign with custom amount.

XP-Amount: 10
Default amount of XP rewards if you dont setup sign with custom amount.

StartCheck-Delay: 2
Delay when plugin starts first Capture Checks after server restart.
1 = 10 seconds, 2 = seconds, 3 = 30 seconds etc..

CaptureCheck-Delay: 2
Delay for each Capture Point checks. Capture check means that plugin will look for Capture Point information and gives out rewards
1 = 10 seconds, 2 = seconds, 3 = 30 seconds etc..

Protect-Signs: true
Should plugin protect all Faction Capture Signs automatic from direct damage (player trying to remove sign).

Protection-Radius: 10
Radius of the area where plugin checks for Capture Point sign, used to block commands etc. near Capture Point sign.

Wait-Capture: true
If "Wait for Capture" feature is enabled, explained at Guides: How Wait-Capture and Move-Check features works

Wait-CheckDelay: 2
Wait-CheckDelay: 2 * 10 seconds = 20 seconds. 3 checks = After three checks where 1 check lasts for 20 seconds, plugin saves the information and changes sign owner if timer has not been canceled.

Claim-Land: true
Once faction claims Capture Point should they be allowed to break/place defined blocks within region.

Chest-Search: false
Should plugin check chests near Capture Point sign and give out items from chest as rewards.

Chest-Search-Radius: 4
Radius (in cuboid) where plugin looks for chests related to sign, in this example it would within 4 blocks from Capture Point sign.

Faction-Money: false
If set to true all money rewards will go to faction bank, if set to false all money rewards go directly to sign faction online players.

Move-Check: false
If "Move-Check" is enabled, explained at Guides: How Wait-Capture and Move-Check features works

Move-Check-Radius: 4
Max. distance that player can move away from sign before capture is canceled.

Region-Remove: false
Should plugin remove region attached to Capture Point if Capture Point is deleted by player or command.

Region-Creation: true
If plugin automatic creates region for Capture Point (recommend).

Region-Radius: 3
Size of automatic created regions.
1 = 5, 2 = 6, 3 = 7, 4 = 8 etc...

ChestShop-Support: false
If plugin supports ChestShop feature, explained at Guides: How to setup Chest Shop for Capture Points.

FactionMin-OnlinePlayers: 1
How many players must faction have online before their Capture Point can be captures, if less than <FactionMin-OnlinePlayer> players are online from faction then their Capture Point cannot be captured until there is enough players online.

Region-Priority: 300
Priority defines FCP regions, if region priority is lower/higher than this setting then plugin does not recognize region as Capture Point. <Region-Priority> is automatic added to the created region if Region-Creation is set to true.

Region-Greeting: You are now entering to <region> Capture Point!
Greet message flag format that is added to the Capture Point region, <region> is replaced automatic with region name. If left empty (like Region-Greeting: "") then plugin wont add greeting flag automatic.

Region-Farewell: You are now leaving <region> Capture Point!
Farewell message flag format that is added to the Capture Point region, <region> is replaced automatic with region name. If left empty (like Region-Farewell: "") then plugin wont add farewell flag automatic.

- 46
- 52
If faction can claim Capture Point land, this list defines what blocks they cannot break inside Capture Point area.

- 46
- 52
If faction can claim Capture Point land, this list defines what blocks they cannot place inside Capture Point area.

Capture-Points: []
All capture points will be recorded in this list, nothing to do here, you can remove Capture Points using command /fcapture delete (number), to check which number belongs to which sign use /fcapture list.

Potion-Regions: []
All Potion Regions will be recorded in this list, nothing to do here, you can remove Potion Regions using command /fcapture pr delete (number), to check which number belongs to which sign use /fcapture pr list.

Command-Regions: []
All Command Regions will be recorded in this list, nothing to do here, you can remove Command Regions using command /fcapture CMD delete (number), to check which number belongs to which sign use /fcapture CMD list.


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