Configure options

mode: factions
Plugin mode, at this moment only factions is working.

CaptureSign-XP: XP
Defines use of /fcapture XP command to setup XP capture point.

CaptureSign-Money: Money
Defines use of /fcapture Money command to setup Money capture point.

Check-Updates: true
Should plugin check for plugin updates. If enabled plugin will send message to console screen about new plugin updates which are checked same time as capture points.

Message-Updates: true
If set to true, operators and players with fcapture.admin permission will receive in-game message about new updates available, if not then plugin will only send message to server console.

Broadcast-CaptureChecks: true
If set to true, plugin will broadcast message to server every time when Capture Points are checked, message like "Capture Points rewards have been given out!".

Send-CaptureReward-Messages: false
If set to true, plugin will send message to player about Capture Point rewards, example: "You have received 15 XP from faction capture point".

Protect-Signs: true
Will plugin protect Capture Signs from explosions/players trying to remove them.
Plugin checks explosions within ClaimCheck-Radius from sign.

Land-Protection: true
Will plugin protect land near Capture Signs from explosions/players trying to remove them.

Claim-Land: false
If set to true, players automatic claim land near sign allow their faction to build/break blocks which are not defined at "Claim-Land-DenyBreak" or Claim-"Land-DenyPlace". Capture Signs are automatic protected.

Chest-Search: false
If set to true, plugin searches chest near sign (2 blocks cuboid) and if found gives all items from chest to Capture Point owner faction players.

StartCheck-Delay: 1
Defines when plugin does first Capture Points check after server start/restart/reload.
1 = 10 seconds, 2 = 20 seconds, 3 = 30 seconds etc..

CaptureCheck-Delay: 2
How often plugin gives out Capture Point benefits.
1 = 10 seconds, 2 = 20 seconds, 3 = 30 seconds etc..

Money-Amount: 15
How much money per sign is given at each check.

XP-Amount: 10
How much XP per sign is given at each check.

Protection-Radius: 10
Cuboid, in this example its 10x10x10 which checks explosions/players breaking/placing blocks, if there is sign within Protection-Radius then plugin cancels actions and disabled explosions or removing/placing blocks.

ClaimCheck-Radius: 1
When player tries to use /f claim, plugin checks if there is Capture Sign within 16x256x16 blocks from player location, if so, cancels claiming and message about not being able to claim land near Capture sign.
ClaimCheck-Radius: 1 = 16x256x16 .
(recommend) ClaimCheck-Radius: 2 = 32x256x32 etc....

- tp
Disabled commands from being used within "Protection-Radius" blocks from Capture Sign. Works with single commands like /tpa or two words commands like /f home.

- 1
If "Claim-Land" is set to true, disallow defined blocks from being removed within "Protection-Radius" blocks from Capture Sign area. Use block ID`s, like 35 would be all wools.

- 1
If "Claim-Land" is set to true, disallow defined blocks from being placed within "Protection-Radius" blocks from Capture Sign area. Use block ID`s, like 35 would be all wools.

All capture points will be recorded in this list, nothing to do here, you can remove Capture Points using command /fcapture delete (number), to check which number belongs to which sign use /fcapture list.


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