Reward tutorials (types & configure)

From config.yml notice following lines: (highlighted with red and blue)
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Notice that CaptureSign-XP and CaptureSign-Money both affects command and what sign has in second line, so I recommend keeping them short (around 6 letters or so). If you would translate CaptureSign-XP to XPReward then command would be /fcp XPReward instead default /fcp XP.

Remember that you can setup different reward amount for each Capture Point sign using <amount> variable which is explained at 2).

1) /fcapture <benefit>
to setup Capture Point sign with custom reward amount.
Example /fcapture XP, would create normal and reward amounts comes from config.yml values, depending if sign is XP or money.

2) /fcapture <benefit> <amount>
to setup Capture Point sign with custom reward amount.
Example /fcapture XP 450, would create normal XP sign giving 450 XP at each check.

3) /fcapture <benefit> <timeStart> <timeEnd>
to setup time protected Capture Point sign.
Example: /fcapture XP 100 400, this means sign can be captured only when time is between 100 and 400.

4) /fcapture <benefit> <amount> <timeStart> <timeEnd>
to setup time protected Capture Point sign with custom reward amount.
Example: /fcapture XP 450 100 400, this means sign can be captured only when time is between 100 and 400, sign gives 450 XP at each check.

After command click sign to complete capture point setup.

Multiple command rewards can be setup for each region, each command reward is displayed at config.yml under "Command-Regions".

Setup Command: /fcp CMD create <command>
1) Use /fcp tp <number> to teleport to the desired Capture Point region.
2) Type setup command /fcp CMD <player> <CMD>.
3) Done.

Note that <player> is dynamic value coming from FCP reward check, only you need to worry where you are placing these when typing setup command, below are few examples to make things easier.

Example commands
/fcp CMD god <player> (would give player god status.)
/fcp CMD xp give <player> 200 (with essentials plugin, gives player 200 XP).

Removing Potion Rewards from region(s).
1) Use /fcp CMD list to display all regions with potion reward.
2) Look at number which is display front of each potion region.
example: (1) ExampleRegion/god <player>, number would 1.
3) Type remove command /fcp CMD delete <number>

Multiple potion rewards can be setup for each region, each potion reward is displayed at config.yml under "Potion-Regions".

Setup Command: /fcp PR create <time> <power>
1) Use /fcp tp <number> to teleport to the desired Capture Point region.
2) Take potion to your hand (normal type, no splash or instant).
3) Type setup command /fcp Potion-Regions <time> <power>.
4) Done.

Removing Potion Rewards from region(s).
1) Use /fcp PR list to display all regions with potion reward.
2) Look at number which is display front of each potion region.
example: (1) ExampleRegion/POISON/4/2, number would 1.
3) Type remove command /fcp PR delete <number>

TIP: If you want to add another effect that is not obtained via potion (like jump), you can do following:
1) Close server if running.
2) Edit desired Potion Region and change effect name.


- nojaa/SPEED/4/0
- nojaa/JUMP/4/0

Here I have copied "nojaa" region potion reward and changed effect from SPEED (potion) to JUMP. Note that if you do this WHILE running server plugin might not save changes due to continuess reloading config.yml while checking capture points information. Its best to do before starting server.


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