
Faction Capture Guides

How Wait-Capture and Move-Check features works

First set "Move-Check: true" and "Wait-Capture: true" enabled, which means both values must be set to "true" instead "false" from FCP config.yml.

After someone tries to claim sign from another faction plugin starts timer, timer lasts for "Wait-CheckDelay: 2" * 10 seconds * 3 checks. Lets break that down.

Wait-CheckDelay: 2 * 10 seconds = 20 seconds.
3 checks = After three checks where 1 check lasts for 20 seconds, plugin saves the information and changes sign owner if timer has not been canceled.

With this setup timer would run 60 seconds, if not canceled. Wait-CheckDelay: 2 can be changed to anything you wish, 1 = 10 seconds, 2 = 2 seconds, 3 = 30 seconds etc. If current sign owner reclaims sign (clicks on it) before time ends, timer for that sign is canceled and current sign owner faction keeps the sign.

With Move-Check enabled plugin checks at every "Wait-Capture" check if player is within defined radius from sign, radius is defined from config.yml "Move-Check-Radius: 4" in blocks (cuboid area), Move-Check-Radius: 4 = 4 blocks distance. Here is some scenarios:

Player A captures sign and..
moves to another world = loses sign capture and "Wait-Capture" timer is canceled.
is over 5 blocks away from sign = loses sign capture and "Wait-Capture" timer is canceled.
disconnects from server = loses sign capture and "Wait-Capture" timer is canceled.

WorldGuard support

WARNING: FCP will delete region that contains Capture Point sign, do not setup Capture Point sign to existing region if you dont want that region to be removed.

Region-Creation: true
If plugin automatic creates region for Capture Point (recommend).

Region-Radius: 3
Size of automatic created regions.
1 = 5, 2 = 6, 3 = 7, 4 = 8 etc...

Region-Priority: 300
Priority defines FCP regions, if region priority is lower/higher than this setting then plugin does not recognize region as Capture Point. <Region-Priority> is automatic added to the created region if Region-Creation is set to true.

Region-Greeting: You are now entering to <region> Capture Point!
Greet message flag format that is added to the Capture Point region, <region> is replaced automatic with region name. If left empty (like Region-Greeting: "") then plugin wont add greeting flag automatic.

Region-Farewell: You are now leaving <region> Capture Point!
Farewell message flag format that is added to the Capture Point region, <region> is replaced automatic with region name. If left empty (like Region-Farewell: "") then plugin wont add farewell flag automatic.

1) Region creation: Random name.
Create sign, use /fcapture <setup> (more information at bottom of main page), region is automatic created with random name.

2) Region creation: Define own name.
1) Place sign.
2) Type sign command (like /fcapture xp)
3) Type /fcapture region <name> (/fcapture region MyRegion)
Then click sign..

If "Region-Creation" is set to false plugin will not create new regions for FCP, you able to setup sign to existing region without problems but that region will be removed once Capture Point is deleted (sign is removed or admin deleted point).

Plugin will only handle regions which priority matches to "Region-Priority" setting at config.yml, if region has lower/higher priority then plugin does nothing to region.

How to setup chest rewards

Change "Chest-Search" value to true from config.yml or use /fcapture Chest-Search to enable/disable. Then setup Admin Shop (chest shop) as follows

Fill the chest with items you want to give out as rewards, at every capture pont check plugin gives out all the items from chest to every online player in faction which owns the sign.

Chest-Search-Radius defines range where plugin tries to check for chest (from sign) in cuboid area, if chest next to sign then radius 2 should work just fine.

How to Chest Shop for Capture Points

Before starting server change "ChestShop-Support" from "false" to "true".

Then setup capture sign and next to it chest, like so:

As you can see, first line of the ChesShop sign must match what you have defined in ChestShop config.yml for "ADMIN_SHOP_NAME" section. After that is done, only faction that owns the sign can use Admin Shop you just setup. This does not work other shops, only if shop is an admin shop.

Plugin searches for Admin Shop within 4 blocks from Faction Capture Points sign, I personally recommend doing setup as I have done in example picture.
WARNING! If you doing chest shop for capture points DO NOT USE "Chest-Search" feature! Otherwise all the items from shop will be given to all sign owner faction players, plugin does not yet support both ChestShops AND Item rewards (chest-search) feature if used at the same time.


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