This plugin allows the players to get the new Spawn Eggs from Minecraft 1.1 by throwing regular eggs at mobs. It is intended to be simple to set up and use. The plugin is open source and can be forked on github. If you make any changes, pull requests are appreciated.
Current features
- Configurable mob health limit.
- Respects animal protection plugins such as GriefPrevention
- Compatible with all trading plugins.
- Very simple, throw an egg at a mob and it will be turned into a spawn egg.
- Permissions support.
- Configurable catch chance.
- Configurable cost (vault support, or items).
- Explosion effects.
Installation and requirements
Vault is not required unless you intend to use it
Download the jar file and the configuration file will be generated on the first startup.
Configuration and permissions
Video credits: VariationVault
Any chance you could add the ability to retain mob characteristics? It's not a huge issue, I love the plugin, but it could be nice to capture specific colored sheep and retain their color.
The permissions page does not work, where can i find those?
Will you update this plugin for 1.13?
EggCatcher 3.1 is working on Spigot 1.12.1 with PermissionsEx 1.23.4 on Java 1.8.0_144 (64-bit) on Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS (64-bit).
Hi your plugin is awesome and stays up to date and is on par with mob catcher, my only issue is that i can't catch iron golems
Sorry for not replying. I replied to someone on, I thought that was you.
It's unfortunately impossible to merge your changes the way you've done it. I suggest you take a look at this link:
If the changes makes sense and doesn't break compatibility I'm always happy to accept a pull request.
I messaged you on the 10th September and so far you have not replied to me. Neither have you been seen here since August 5th.
So, here is the lowdown. I have made an update for EggCatcher available at
It has fixes for some eggs and the economy. This version uses Material names, so may not be suitable for some older versions of Bukkit.
This is not a Bukkit team recommended version. But is free for all to try.
Bukkit does not have the means to capture Endermen easily. It would be pretty pointless as their mechanics would need to be changed to stop them from teleporting away!
Not sure I understand you. The eggs are plain vanilla eggs so yes they can be used to change spawners.
Can this be edited to the extend that these spawn eggs can be used on a spawner to change what gets spawned in them. At the moment on a server I was on they despawn instantly with the caught eggs
Thanks for the plugin<3
Great plugin!
Im using this for my upcoming Pokemon Go server.
Is there anyway you can make so you can catch Giants, Withers & Enderdragons?
Note: Make so they look after a lure or something. Or just make them catchable. Idc if they turn into a zombie or endermite/enderman or Skeleton, or what ever default mob egg you use. I love how the mobs save their names.
I see what you mean. This was actually working/fixed at some point. Not sure what has changed.
Left clicking for catching Endermen. They teleport when u launch an egg at them and it makes them extremely difficult to catch.
Version 2.6 that supports Minecraft 1.10 has been uploaded and is awaiting approval.
when will 1.10 version come out for egging bears? x2 (thanks for tis plugin! I <3 eggcatcher)
when will 1.10 version come out for egging bears?
I know other people have been using mods like EconXP for that.
It depends on what you mean by Towny support? If the animals are protected from getting damaged then they can't get caught. So if that's what you mean then yes it should be working. You can only use right click/throw. Why do you need left click?
Does this support towny and does this also support left clicking instead of throwing eggs? :s mobcatcher is 1.8 support and buggy with mcmmo hearts displaying on eggs/renaming/zombie horses ect. not being caught.
By any way can you make so it costs EXP?