This plugin allows the players to get the new Spawn Eggs from Minecraft 1.1 by throwing regular eggs at mobs. It is intended to be simple to set up and use. The plugin is open source and can be forked on github. If you make any changes, pull requests are appreciated.
Current features
- Configurable mob health limit.
- Respects animal protection plugins such as GriefPrevention
- Compatible with all trading plugins.
- Very simple, throw an egg at a mob and it will be turned into a spawn egg.
- Permissions support.
- Configurable catch chance.
- Configurable cost (vault support, or items).
- Explosion effects.
Installation and requirements
Vault is not required unless you intend to use it
Download the jar file and the configuration file will be generated on the first startup.
Configuration and permissions
Video credits: VariationVault
having some issues i turned off chance catching but for some reason my players still have a issue catching the mob all the time when i turn chance off.
is this... is this how mobcatcher started? or... what?
oh hell who cares its not pay to own like mobcatcher! i think i love you shansen.
10/10 this plugin
Added DeleteVillagerInventoryOnCatch option in version 2.5 which was just uploaded.
Thanks for reporting this. I checked it and it's just the inventory of the villager that gets dropped. If you look carefully in your video you'll see the first villager you catch, drops his carrots on the ground. The 2nd villager picks them up before you get there and then drops them with his own inventory of carrots when you catch him with the egg.
EggCatcher drops all mobs inventory per default. So you can basically respawn the villager and give it it's carrots back. It's also there to make sure zombies and so on drops whatever they pick up.
For villagers it could be used to set up some interesting automatic farms. But I can also see that some servers might find this undesirable. I'll probably put it in as an option in the configuration file.
When throwing a egg on villagers tons of carrots/potatoes etc are flying up from the ground for some reason -
Many thanks for your time looking into this!
Cheers, LHammonds
The update will be released today or tomorrow. There's some breaking API changes in Bukkit/Spigot 1.9 that I have to work out.
I'm going to test it for 1.9, and update it if neccesary.
Is there any way to make this compatible with Spigot 1.9?
The plugin loads fine and generates no errors in the logs but when you capture a mob, the egg is white and called "Spawn" but does not spawn anything.
Old eggs from 1.8 does work...just not newly created captures in 1.9.
Thanks, LHammonds
Would be interested to see if you could scale the catching chance/outright deny catching based on mob health.
Also would like an option to not include the name of the mob when catching it - it conflicts with the healthbar plugin, putting its health as the "name" of the egg.
I'm lead to believe this plugin is enabling users to alter the type of spawner by right-clicking with an egg and there is no option to get rid of this. :(
Medium suggestion: Could you add support for custom mobs, i.e. those added by mods? I've seen plugins capable of looping through all the mob types, so it should be possible (and hopefully fairly easy). A side bonus would be that the plugin supports any mobs added in future Minecraft releases.
Thanks in advance, and nice work so far on the plugin.
Hey :) I was wondering if you could add a permission node for bunnies/rabbits?
I was also wondering if you can add a way to disable the use of spawneggs on spawners, to change spawner type. This was implemented with 1.8 for map makers in vanilla mc. I realize other plugins can block it, but it would be a nice addition to the plugin.
I'll have to check about hitting the horses, I haven't heard of any problems with this. Are you using 1.8? It could be something that has changed in 1.8. Even if I can reproduce the problem it might not be something that can be fixed. The hitbox on the horse is vanilla minecraft and the way EggCatcher works is simply to intercept whenever an animal gets harmed by an egg.
To catch tamed animals you have to change the option in the configuration file: PreventCatchingTamedAnimals: true
Hi mate,
Finding it's quite random when trying to catch horses. What we're finding is you have to aim for their hind legs on all horses and you can only catch unnamed and untamed ones. Is there something we're missing?
Good plugin otherwise, really nice economy features & thanks for doing what Mobcatcher is failing to continue to do.
Kind regards
Fantastic plugin, thank you very much.
There's a permission ( that overrides the cost. You might be getting that if you are opped. It's a little bit different from permission plugin to permission plugin whether you get it or not. Otherwise please upload your config file to so I can have a look.
I changed the config file so itemcost was true and the cost was redstone dust. and I made sure to set each mob to different costs, so none are at 0. yet, when I test it by trying to catch a mob (a sheep in my case), it gives me the spawn egg, but doesn't take redstone dust from my inventory. could it have something to do with me being op? or something else? (btw yes, im in survival mode.)
You're right EggCatcher doesn't affect the despawning of villagers. It's probably something to do with the entity limits. One possible fix is to name the spawn egg in an anvil before you spawn the villagers. Or if you want to name already spawned villagers you can do so by right clicking them with a name tag while standing inside a nether portal. Named entities should not despawn.
Did you even follow my instructions below? I can't fix your servers configuration files.
If you have 2.3 installed and manually install 2.0 it will then reset the configuration file to 2.0 as you are downgrading. Then on the next run it will auto update again regardless of what was in the 2.3 configuration file.
You must have the 2.0 version installed and the CheckForUpdates disabled on the first run. Otherwise Bukkit - not EggCatcher will automatically install the update on the second run regardless of CheckForUpdates. It sounds like to me that you disable CheckForUpdates after the update has already been downloaded, but not yet installed.
As I said I did not write Updater it's a plugin that many plugins uses. If you don't understand how it works then just disable it entirely for all plugins as I suggested below. It's configuration file is in config/Updater/config.yml.
I also didn't write Bukkit and Bukkit installs any updates that is there regardless of any configuration files. I can't change this either.