This plugin allows the players to get the new Spawn Eggs from Minecraft 1.1 by throwing regular eggs at mobs. It is intended to be simple to set up and use. The plugin is open source and can be forked on github. If you make any changes, pull requests are appreciated.
Current features
- Configurable mob health limit.
- Respects animal protection plugins such as GriefPrevention
- Compatible with all trading plugins.
- Very simple, throw an egg at a mob and it will be turned into a spawn egg.
- Permissions support.
- Configurable catch chance.
- Configurable cost (vault support, or items).
- Explosion effects.
Installation and requirements
Vault is not required unless you intend to use it
Download the jar file and the configuration file will be generated on the first startup.
Configuration and permissions
Video credits: VariationVault
If the animals are protected from harm then EggCatcher won't catch them. So there's implicit support for all plugins that protects animals.
Hope to be able to support the Residence plug-in Residence within the animals won't be caught
Catching Villagers doesnt not seem to be working.
Only just saw you had edited the compatible CB version for your last build, answers my question!
Can you be more specific on what needs to be updated?
1.7.9 finally got a Beta build!
Think we could get a quicky update patch? :)
I assume it's unaffected but it depends on any api breaking changes in bukkit for 1.8.
There's no spawn egg for iron golems in Minecraft, so it's not possible.
Is there any way to capture iron golems? I'm using EggCatcher with SilkSpawners so you can catch mobs with an egg, then craft a spawner with that egg, however, iron golems are not catchable.
Is this plugin affected by the UUID change in 1.8, thus requiring an update to work properly or will it be unaffected?
I think for more advanced features like that you will need Mob Catcher.
But... it's rarely updated, always buggy, and the dev is not very helpful at all. I ditched it in favor of this more simplified plugin.
Can you make it so it copys it's wool colour (sheep), Name , Health , etc?
works flawless, Great job.
I also have an suggestion: When cathing an mob fails, a customsable price shoud be charged. So serve owner can decide how much or if its free
I have not tested it with AnimalProtect but it should work if the animals are protected from getting harmed by projectiles.
Let me know i it's not working and I will look into it.
(It's not going to work with Worldguard alone as Worldguard as you know does not protect animals.)
is it hooked into WorldGuard and AnimalProtect, so only owners or members of a region can catch mobs?
you should try to make eggs catch players
@shansen1 Thanks for the information, I will likely wait for a while to try 7.8 until I update the server to 1.7 anyway. The EggCatcher plugin not working in claims shouldn't be a huge problem for now.
Oh wait you need to use a version later than 7.7 it seems. Try the 7.8 beta build.
It's probably a bug with GriefPrevention. This has happened before and some EggCatcher users made a patch for GriefPrevention. What version of GriefPrevention are you using? I believe it was confirmed working again in 7.7.
Have a look at this ticket for more information: