CompatNoCheatPlus (cncp) provides compatibility between the anti cheat plugin NoCheatPlus and other plugins that add game mechanics different to the vanilla game behavior, such as mcMMO or plugins that add npcs such as Citizens. You need NoCheatPlus for this, NoCheatPlus can not be replaced by this.
This plugin is an add-on for NoCheatPlus: NoCheatPlus on BUKKITDEV
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development-builds (Jenkins at CompatNoCheatPlus and NoCheatPlus
- mcMMO:
- Block breaks by abilities should lead to no or almost no alerts anymore.
- Fighting alerts should be reduced.
- Citizens 2:
- NPCs no longer generate check alerts.
- Generic:
- Cancel all check failures for players that are not real players. This should handle a range of NPC creation techniques in general, as exist with Citizens 1.
(Experts: good bit of it is configurable.) - Block breaking and block placing: Plugins that break or place many blocks "in the name of a player" have a better chance to be made compatible by adapting the configuration. Defaults are set for MachinaCraft.
- Bukkit player speed API: Set the fly/walk speeds globally and let NoCheatPlus deal with the rest. (Needs to be enabled in the configuration.)
- Cancel all check failures for players that are not real players. This should handle a range of NPC creation techniques in general, as exist with Citizens 1.
- For configuration reference: Configuration
(Should not be needed usually, but can be used to disable unused hooks, or enable the set-speed hook. - For details on plugin compatibility, see: Details
Spout users
Spout users might encounter problems (nofall / fly working). Try to disable the player-class hook - but i am afraid there might be further incompatibilities at present.
- Welcome!
- Maybe someone wants to join this project ?
API: You can register a hook with cncp, which might or might not spare you some coding, cncp will re-enable NoCheatPlus with a delayed sync task, so you can use the PluginEnableEvent to register hooks that can listen on lowest level and be processed before NoCheatPlus. If you don't need these features then you can directly hook into the NoCheatPlus API (introduced in the lates dev builds of NoCheatPlus 3.7). Adding a hook demands further not to put NoCheatPlus into the depend or softdepend parts, returning the NCP hook and the check types should be the first time to access NCP API actively.
Alright found the issue with colored chat not displaying..Colored chat works fine with mcmmo and no compact no cheat plus...but when we install mcmmo with compact no cheat plus colored chat doesn't work :o Think you can find a fix for this?
Not entirely sure, there have been incompatibilities, but there have been fxes in NCP itself as well (current development builds of NCP, even without considering cncp), so i am not sure what#s the case right now.
Here is Skillapi
It can change players' speed & attack ect
Does the "Compat" version of NCP work with SlimeFun or must i wait?
It's been more than a year since that plugin has been a topic, probably more than two. So basically i don't know, but i do remember that they considered/did put in some compatiblity hooks, but thats just vague - best ask them or just test the features.
Is this compatible ?
Not sure, may be NCP mistakes the sentry NPCs for the player, would need to investigate the source code - do you have a link to the project page?
Likely not by default, do you have a link to the project page?
Does this work with SkillAPI plugin?
Using NoCheatPlus v3.12.1, CompactNCP v.6.5.1, Citizens v.2.0.15 and Sentry v.1.8.5. NoCheatPlus is causing players to randomly teleport to their sentry NPCs whenever they try to use their private warps.
Great compatibility plugin! Keeps the server more legit & the cheaters at bay. 8-)
Using: McMMO Build #36, NCP Build #803, CNCP Build #72
Treefeller & Leaf Blower, don't seem to be functioning. Breaking the base block of a tree doesn't seem to chop down the tree, but if i disable NCP & CNCP Treefeller works just fine.
This still working properly with latest ncp and mcmmo?
Yes, before making any comments I always make sure I have the latest versions - At the time of the original writing, I was using CNCP b72, NCP 801, and Mcmmo b31. There has since been a new version of mcMMO, but the patch notes don't effect this - There's also been a new version of NCP (802) that I will check to see if it helps at all.
I couldn't find what was causing Treefeller's issue. As mentioned before, it's blockbreak.noswing for Berserk's breaking ability. I've had some computer issues, so haven't been able to test Treefeller any further.
Ah cool thanks, I will try that :D
Are you using the latest development build of cncp from the jenkins (currently build 72)?
Also ensure to use build 791 or build 802 and above for NCP, rather than any build between those.
BLockBreak.Noswing ~ i have to check for that.
Been having issues with mcMMO recently - Updated to the dev NCP and CNCP, as well as most recent mcMMO - The biggest issue I'm having is that NOTHING is showing in the NCP logs, nor console, so I have no idea WHAT check is blocking them.
Someone below suggested Reach and Direction, but both of those log - any other suggestions?
Edit: just to check, I tried disabling both Reach and Direction checks, but it is still being cancelled by something that isn't being logged.
Edit: Through trial annd error, we've found that it's Blockbreak's 'noswing' that's blocking Berserk. There's no log of it still, and that's obviously not something I want to turn off. With no log, I can't see what violation level it's getting, so can't adjust it easily .. Oi.
TreeFeller is still not working - still going through everything else.
I keep both Spigot 1.8.1 and NCP updated to their latest versions. It is easily possible that NCP isn't blocking them and it could be a PlotMe issue, but I just wondered if you had had any reports of it regarding your plugin. Thanks for the answer, and I will see if it could be PlotMe.
I can however say that Tree Feller is not working, but I can see you are already aware of that issue :D
If at all NoCheatPlus would block anything, cncp shouldn't be able to. We don't have any reports on that - what version of CraftBukkit/Spigot are you running (+NCP version?)?
Note that for 1.8 you'd probbaly use the latest cncp development build as well.
Is it possible CNCP is blocking armor stands now in some way?
Build 72 might change something, at least its been built against the latest version of drtshock jenkins.
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk. Development-builds (Jenkins at CompatNoCheatPlus and NoCheatPlus