CompatNoCheatPlus (cncp) provides compatibility between the anti cheat plugin NoCheatPlus and other plugins that add game mechanics different to the vanilla game behavior, such as mcMMO or plugins that add npcs such as Citizens. You need NoCheatPlus for this, NoCheatPlus can not be replaced by this.
This plugin is an add-on for NoCheatPlus: NoCheatPlus on BUKKITDEV
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development-builds (Jenkins at CompatNoCheatPlus and NoCheatPlus
- mcMMO:
- Block breaks by abilities should lead to no or almost no alerts anymore.
- Fighting alerts should be reduced.
- Citizens 2:
- NPCs no longer generate check alerts.
- Generic:
- Cancel all check failures for players that are not real players. This should handle a range of NPC creation techniques in general, as exist with Citizens 1.
(Experts: good bit of it is configurable.) - Block breaking and block placing: Plugins that break or place many blocks "in the name of a player" have a better chance to be made compatible by adapting the configuration. Defaults are set for MachinaCraft.
- Bukkit player speed API: Set the fly/walk speeds globally and let NoCheatPlus deal with the rest. (Needs to be enabled in the configuration.)
- Cancel all check failures for players that are not real players. This should handle a range of NPC creation techniques in general, as exist with Citizens 1.
- For configuration reference: Configuration
(Should not be needed usually, but can be used to disable unused hooks, or enable the set-speed hook. - For details on plugin compatibility, see: Details
Spout users
Spout users might encounter problems (nofall / fly working). Try to disable the player-class hook - but i am afraid there might be further incompatibilities at present.
- Welcome!
- Maybe someone wants to join this project ?
API: You can register a hook with cncp, which might or might not spare you some coding, cncp will re-enable NoCheatPlus with a delayed sync task, so you can use the PluginEnableEvent to register hooks that can listen on lowest level and be processed before NoCheatPlus. If you don't need these features then you can directly hook into the NoCheatPlus API (introduced in the lates dev builds of NoCheatPlus 3.7). Adding a hook demands further not to put NoCheatPlus into the depend or softdepend parts, returning the NCP hook and the check types should be the first time to access NCP API actively.
Please ensure to test with the latest release (currently build 878).
please add compatibility for skillapi
ncp blocks many skillapi mechanics liks push, launch and pull, all area damager, high damages. I would have to disable many nocheat category to make skillapi work. . . kinda defeats ncp purpose
most flagged category are under fight and movement
What kind of skills are in conflict (with what kinds of alerts on NCP side) ?
Maybe you should add compatibility with the LegendQuest plugin...
A link to the plugin for reference -
I can't really test all other plugins myself, but i can do something if server owners or the plugin dev provide me with the necessary support/information.
In case of configurable spells it is even more complicated, because we need to know what a spell is actually doing.
So to get a feature supported, the following is necessary:
If the other plugin developer is wiling to invest time in compatibility issues, then things may go faster anyway.
Will support for MagicSpells be increased?
I'm so sorry, hehe - cncp clearly is lagging behind, i'd rather prefer to make up some generic way to allow plugins exemption without hooking into each other. Even if using metadata on players is a good candidate in general, that won't help much with moving-related stuff. Only thing that'll help is proper reporting, debug tracing etc., if it's about double-jump/leap stuff.
Which feature/skill is in conflict? What does NCP block?
Ok, the plugin name is SkillAPI, as I would do to add it in the hooks list? Thanks!
Still wish there was an easier method to integrate with Heroes .. heh
Sorry for the late reply - ii can't really test out all plugins and all contained features - so it would be best if you/someone could nail down the issues to individual features/skills of the other plugin and individual checks on side of NCP. I can assist with how to find out and what settings to use.
Please add compatibility with Slimefun.
I use NoCheatPlus 3.11.1-RC-sMD5NET-b743 and cncp 6.5.0-RC-sMD5NET-b68
Which version of NCP are you using (/ncp version for best overview) ?
Do you know which checks of NoCheatPlus alert for which skill use? With the latest development builds you can set allviolations to true during testing, just for the case that you can reproduce the issue at will.
Link GitHub:
The skill particles projectiles type the Ghast Fireball or arrow projectiles they bring no damage to the player, but otherwise the plugin NoCheatPlus the particles projectiles give damage to the player. And SkillAPI has skills that alter the speed of the player, this can cause conflict as well.
What skills do conflict ? Is their source code on GitHub (just in case you know)? Haven't found any link on their dbo page yet, but their licensing looks like it'd be open source.
Please, default compatibilty with
in SkillAPI you can put skills that change your speed or projectiles type Ghast fireball but with NoCheatPlus does not work: /.
Several people are asking!!!
Was the chat.color check active ? It should long have been disabled.
Ah it was nocheatplus causing it, I just disabled the chat config :o
Like color codes &5 &6, when players have permissions they can use it fine without cpnc, but when I put cpnc on it registers but chat displays white for them no matter what color they choose :o It's weird lol
What colored chat? Global chat !? What messages from what sources...