Effective as of CommandSigns v1.7.9
Any block (except air) may be a 'CommandBlock'. The most common block to use as a CommandBlock is a sign, hence the title of this plugin, but you're not actually limited in terms of what you can use.
What will happen is that after you make a CommandSign, once right-clicked, it will perform any commands of your choice including sending text to the user.
In order to make one, you type out all the commands you want it to do in your CommandSigns clipboard. It's where all your commands are written before applying it to a sign.
Adding text to the clipboard
This is as simple as running one of the following commands:
/commandsigns line1 /acommand /cmdsigns 5 /anothercommand /cmds 22 /anextracommand /cs line5454 /yetanothercommand with parameters
As you can see, there are aliases for the '/commandsigns' command so you don't need to worry about typing out the full thing if you're lazy and also, you can choose whether to write 'line<number>' or just '<number>'. The number of lines is not limited and you can run any sort of command by just typing it after specifying the line.
So if you ran all those commands, you'd end up with your clipboard looking like this:
1. /acommand 5. /anothercommand 22. /anextracommand 5454. /yetanothercommand with parameters
That's enough to prepare a CommandSign!
Output just text
The other thing you can do when writing to the clipboard is to write plain text to the user who clicked it. Instead of a forward slash '/', use a backslash '\' followed by the text you want to write. Here's an example
/commandsigns line6 \This text will show to the user who clicks the sign.
Making the CommandSign
Just right click the block you want to make it on. Simple! Your clipboard will be appended to that block and you'll have a blank clipboard again.
Clearing the clipboard
This is done with a single command:
/commandsigns clear
Copying an existing CommandSign to your clipboard
This is done with a command and a click:
/commandsigns copy
Then click the CommandSign you wish to copy. The sign's data will then be in your clipboard.
Editing text in your clipboard
Lets say we had the same clipboard as earlier. Now actually what I wanted to have was commands for lines 1, 2, 3 and 4 rather than any random number. You can edit CommandSigns by just typing over what you already have in your clipboard.
If you leave a line blank, it'll be removed from the CommandSign. So, if I wanted to shift all those commands to lines 1, 2, 3 and 4, I would do this:
/commandsigns line2 /anothercommand /commandsigns line3 /anextracommand /commandsigns line4 /yetanothercommand with parameters /commandsigns line5 /commandsigns line22 /commandsigns line5454
And that would leave me with:
1. /acommand 2. /anothercommand 3. /anextracommand 4. /yetanothercommand with parameters
Editing a CommandSign directly
If you run the following command:
/commandsigns edit
Then click on a CommandSign, it will start editing it live. You can then edit the sign just as if you were editing your clipboard with the method above, but your changes have immediate effect.
To stop editing, type '/commandsigns edit' again, or perform another action such as a copy.
Removing a CommandSign
This is done with a command and a click:
/commandsigns remove
Then click the CommandSign you wish to remove. Any data already on your clipboard will not be affected, so you can remove a CommandSign and immediately replace it with a new one if you wish.
Advanced Usage
When you're ready, move on to the next section.