commandsigns.*-Allpermissions.commandsigns.create.*-Allcreatepermissions.commandsigns.create.regular-Createsignswithout/*,/^or/#commands.commandsigns.create.op-Createsignswith/^or/#commands.commandsigns.create.super-Createsignswith/*commands.commandsigns.remove-RemoveCommandSigns.commandsigns.use.*-Useallsigns.commandsigns.use.regular-Usesignswithout/*commands.commandsigns.use.super-Usesignswith/*<group>-Replace<group>*[command] or [scs] for compatibility with SimpleCommandSigns.
to the permissions of one of my groups (GOD)
They still can't use the sign. The sign gives a full inventory of soup, /soup.
It says they don't have permission for that command. It worked when I gave them the permissions for /soup but I want a cool down on it; there is no cool down for /soup, that's why I am trying out this plugin.
Any ideas?
I added
to the permissions of one of my groups (GOD) They still can't use the sign. The sign gives a full inventory of soup, /soup. It says they don't have permission for that command. It worked when I gave them the permissions for /soup but I want a cool down on it; there is no cool down for /soup, that's why I am trying out this plugin. Any ideas?
Okay - I assume if a player did /soup it would work
Add this to the sign
This will op them while they run that sign - then deop the straight away
Or add: