/command-Runsacommandfromtheplayerwhoclickedthesign./*command - Runs command with elevated permissions using the '*' node. - Does not work for OP commands like /stop. - (For WorldEdit //wand, use /*/wand)./^command-Runscommandasop.-Cannotusethistooptheplayer,astheyaresimplydeop'd./#command-Runscommandasconsole.-Pluginswon'tgettheplayer,sotheycan'tdoanyspecificplayerprocessing.
1. Make a single use kit and have the sign run the /kit command as the player that is clicking the sign (good for giving items/money/etc but not good for running commands).
2. Assign a permission to your default user group and then have the sign explicitly deny that permission to the user that clicked the sign (works for anything but more difficult than a 1 use kit).
Is there a way to make a sign only work a certain percentage of the time? The previous Advanced Usage page references %percent as this but when in use %variable delays the usage by x seconds instead of using x percent of the time. Is this in error?
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Two simple ways to make a single use sign...
1. Make a single use kit and have the sign run the /kit command as the player that is clicking the sign (good for giving items/money/etc but not good for running commands).
2. Assign a permission to your default user group and then have the sign explicitly deny that permission to the user that clicked the sign (works for anything but more difficult than a 1 use kit).
Is there a way to make a sign only work a certain percentage of the time? The previous Advanced Usage page references %percent as this but when in use %variable delays the usage by x seconds instead of using x percent of the time. Is this in error?