Stock Styles

This is a list of all the stock (distributed) board styles. Note that the material used to draw the pieces is included in the board style.

Note that you can list the available board styles (both stock and custom) from within the game at any time with /checkers list style.

To create a board with a specific style, use:

/checkers create board <board-name> -style <style-name>

(Tab completion works here too: if you type /checkers create board -style <Tab>, you can cycle through a list of the available styles).

Board Styles

greenwood4x48Default board style when creating boards (if no '-style' option is used). Green wool & wood board squares, wooden frame, no enclosure.desht
gw-small3x38More compact version of greenwood with 3x3 squaresdesht
blackgold4x48Grey and white wool board squares, wooden frame, obsidian and gold block piecesdesht
micro1x16Green wool & word board squares, herobrine & enderman skull "micro" block pieces (v1.2.0+)desht


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