Getting Around The Board


There are several methods of quickly moving around a board.


It is possible for players to toggle flight (by double-tapping Space) when they're on or near a board without needing to be in creative mode. This makes it much easier for players to get an optimal view of the board.

When flight is enabled, players will get a message when they get near enough to a board to allow flight, and they will get another message when they move too far from a board.

The following settings control how board flight operates:

flying.allowedbooleantrueGlobally enables or disables board flight for all players.
flying.captivebooleantrueIf true, flying players will not be allowed to move too far from boards (they will need to switch off flying first). If false, players can move away but flight will be auto-disabled when they move too far from a board (players won't take fall damage). This only applies to boards with an open style.
flying.autobooleanfalseIf true, then players will be immediately set to flying when they get close enough to a board. If false, players need to double-tap Space to start flying.
flying.upper_limitinteger50The maximum vertical distance above a board (as a percentage of the board's height, but not less than 5 blocks) that flight is permitted. This only applies to boards with an open style.
flying.outer_limitinteger25The maximum horizontal distance outside a board (as a percentage of the board's width, but not less than 5 blocks) that flight is permitted. This only applies to boards with an open style.
flying.fly_speedfloat0.2Flight speed while flying around a board. This overrides the player's default flight speed, which will be restored when the player is not on/near a board. Valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0
flying.walk_speedfloat0.2Walking speed while walking around a board. This overrides the player's default walking speed, which will be restored when the player is not on/near a board. Valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0. Higher walk speeds will cause a visual "tunnelling" effect, as if the player had used a speed potion. (While this is not really a flying-related setting, it's closely related and handled by the same code, so it's in the flying category).


  • Some settings only make sense for boards with an open style (i.e. the board style's enclosure material must be a passable block, such as AIR). It's not possible to fly above and around a board with a closed style, only inside it.
  • The Spoutcraft client has a separate fly speed setting (Options.../Flight Speed) which acts as a multiplier for the default fly speed. This also affects the Checkers fly speed, so if you find yourself flying very fast with Spoutcraft, check this setting.
  • While flying, players will not be able to interact (left/right click) with any block outside the board.


Holding Shift and waving (left-clicking) at any board square while standing on a board will teleport the player to that square, regardless of how far away. The player will also receive a message indicating the board name and algebraic co-ordinates of the square (A1, E2, etc.)

Holding Shift and waving at any piece (regardless of colour) will teleport the player onto that piece, assuming there is space for the player. This is most useful in large open board styles.

Waving at the board's control panel will teleport the player so that they are standing directly in front of it, facing it.

When a piece is moved, any players standing on the piece will be automatically moved with it (can be disabled with the effects.piece_riding configuration setting).


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