Rule Variations


As of v1.2.0, Checkers allows games to be played with different rule variations. The following rules are supported (and more may be added in future):

VariationBoard SizeNotes
English Draughts (aka American Checkers)8You must jump if a jump is available. Men may only move and capture forward. Kings may move and capture forwards or backwards. No flying kings.
English Draughts, no forced jumps8Same as English Draughts but you may choose not to jump if a jump is available.
Brazilian Checkers8Same rules as International Draughts but on a 8x8 board.
International Draughts10You must jump if a jump is available. Men may only move forward but may capture backward. Flying kings; kings may capture at any distance along a diagonal and land any distance behind the captured piece.
Canadian Checkers12Same as International Draughts but on a 12x12 board.

You can use the Rules control panel button on any board to select which rules you want to play under. Right-click the button to cycle through the available rules, and left-click the button to receive a rules summary. You can only change the rules for a game either before the game is created or during the game setup phase (before inviting a second player).

Each particular rule set is of course only available on a board of the appropriate size. E.g. an 8x8 board will allow the English Draughts (with and without forced jumps) and Brazilian Checkers variations, but not any others. To create a board of a given size, use the -size option, e.g.

/chc create board board1 -size 10

The default size is 8. Valid sizes are 8, 10 and 12.

Note: most rule sets specify that the longest sequence of jumps must be taken by the player. Checkers does not currently enforce this restriction, although this may be added in future.


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