
The configuration is stored in plugins/Checkers/config.yml under your Bukkit folder. It is a YAML file with simple key/value pairs.

You can edit this file directly if you wish, but it is recommended to use /checkers setcfg <key> <value> to make changes. If you do edit it directly, use /checkers reload config immediately to reload your changes, to avoid them being overwritten.

To view settings, use /checkers getcfg to see all settings, or /checkers getcfg <key> to view a specific item.

For descriptions of those settings of type "effect" and "duration", see the Effects and Duration Specifiers sections at the end of this page.


The settings are:

ai.min_move_waitduration spec.3 secondsThe AI will not move more quickly than this. You can set this to 0, but (particularly on easier settings), the AI may appear to move disconcertingly quickly.
ai.max_ai_gamesinteger3This is the maximum number of concurrent AI games that can be created. You may wish to raise or lower this, depending on the power of your server CPU, and the typical number of players on your server.
ai.name_formatstring"[AI]<NAME>"For display purposes, all AI pseudo-players will have their name formatted with this string. <NAME> will be replaced with the AI's internal name.
auto_delete.finishedduration spec.30 secondsThis is time from the end of a game to when it will be automatically deleted, freeing up its board for a new game. This gives players time to write a PGN archive of the game if they wish.
auto_delete.not_startedduration spec.180 secondsIf a game is created, but not started within this time, it will be automatically deleted. This prevents the problem of people creating games and going away or logging off, leaving the board unusable for anyone else.
auto_delete.runningduration spec.1 weekIf a running game has had no moves made within this time, it will be automatically deleted. This can be disabled by setting to 0.
auto_teleport_on_joinbooleantrueWhen you create a game or join a game (accept an invitation), you will be automatically teleported to the board (if not already there).
auto_teleport_on_startbooleantrueWhen a game is started, both players will be auto-teleported to the board (if they're not already there).
autostartbooleantrueWhen set to true, games are automatically started as soon as two players have joined. When false, you will need to type /checkers start or use the Start Game button on the control panel to start.
broadcast_resultsbooleantrueIf true, then the results of all games will be broadcast to the entire server. If false, then only the game's players will be notified.
coloured_consolebooleantrueIf true, all command output to the console will be coloured, same as output to players. You may wish to set this to false if your console does not have good ANSI colour support, or if you simply prefer less colour in your console!
default_rules.8StringEnglishDraughtsThe default rule set for 8x8 boards
default_rules.10StringInternationalDraughtsThe default rule set for 10x10 boards
default_rules.12StringCanadianCheckersThe default rule set for 12x12 boards
dynmap.enabledbooleantrueIf false, then no dynmap layer markers will be added at all
dynmap.hide_by_defaultbooleanfalseIf true, then the "Checkers Boards" layer will be hidden on startup
dynmap.layer_priorityinteger0Layer ordering priority for the "Checkers Boards" layer - lower comes first
dynmap.min_zoominteger, 0..60If non-zero, then checkers board markers will only be displayed when the map zoom to at least the given level
effects.game_losteffectsound,name=enderman_deathThe effect to play when a player loses a game
effects.game_woneffectsound,name=level_upThe effect to play when a player wins a game
effects.piece_selectedeffectsound,name=note_sticksThe effect to play when a piece is selected by a player
effects.piece_unselectedeffectsound,name=note_bassThe effect to play when a piece is unselected by a player
effects.piece_capturedeffectexplosionThe effect to play when a piece is captured
effects.piece_movedeffectsound,name=item_pickupThe effect to play when a piece is captured
effects.piece_ridingbooleantrueIf true, any players standing on a piece that is moved will be moved with the piece
effects.teleport_outeffecteffect,name=smoke,data=4The effect to play where a player leaves when teleporting around a board
effects.teleport_ineffecteffect,name=ender_signalThe effect to play where a player arrives when teleporting around a board
effects.volumefloat1.0The master volume for all sound effects
flying.allowedbooleantrueGlobally enables or disables board flight for all players.
flying.captivebooleantrueIf true, flying players will not be allowed to move too far from boards (they will need to switch off flying first). If false, players can move away but flight will be auto-disabled when they move too far from a board (players won't take fall damage). This only applies to boards with an open style.
flying.autobooleanfalseIf true, then players will be immediately set to flying when they get close enough to a board. If false, players need to double-tap Space to start flying.
flying.upper_limitinteger50The maximum vertical distance above a board (as a percentage of the board's height, but not less than 5 blocks) that flight is permitted. This only applies to boards with an open style.
flying.outer_limitinteger25The maximum horizontal distance outside a board (as a percentage of the board's width, but not less than 5 blocks) that flight is permitted. This only applies to boards with an open style.
flying.fly_speedfloat0.2Flight speed while flying around a board. This overrides the player's default flight speed, which will be restored when the player is not on/near a board. Valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0
flying.walk_speedfloat0.2Walking speed while walking around a board. This overrides the player's default walkiong speed, which will be restored when the player is not on/near a board. Valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0. (While this is not really flying-related, it's closely related and handled by the same code, so it's in the flying category).
forced_jumpbooleantrueDefine a global default for the forced-jump rule (if you can make a jump, you must) for newly created games. This may be overridden on a per-game basis with the /chc forcejump command
forfeit_timeoutduration spec.60 secondsIf a player logs out while in a game (or games), their opponent(s) may claim victory after this many seconds by typing /checkers win. If the player logs back in before the timeout expires, the timeout is reset. If timeout_forfeit is set to 0, then /checkers win cannot be used.
open_invite_cooldownduration spec.1 min 30 secPlayers must wait this long before re-sending an open invitation to their game (which broadcasts to the server). The default for this is the same as for auto_delete.not_started, meaning only one open invitation may be created per game by default.
pager.linesint0The number of lines to page for large blocks of text output (e.g. the output of /checkers list ... commands). The default of 0 disables paging. It is easy to scrollback with the mouse wheel when the chat window is open, so you may wish to leave this as 0.
protection.no_buildingbooleantruePrevents any part of the boards from being broken or built upon. This also prevents board blocks being insta-broken if you left-click them while in creative mode (Minecraft 1.8+)
protection.no_burningbooleantruePrevent any part of the board from being burnt.
protection.no_creaturesbooleantruePrevent any creatures from spawning on the boards.
protection.no_explosionsbooleantruePrevents explosions (creepers & TNT) from damaging any part of the boards. Players will still be injured by explosions, however.
protection.no_misc_damagebooleantruePrevents all miscellaneous damage (falling, cactus...) while standing on a board.
protection.no_monster_attacksbooleantruePrevents any monster attacks while standing on a board (any monster which targets you will be removed - no loot drop).
protection.no_pvpbooleantruePrevents all player vs. player combat if either player is standing on a board.
stake.defaultfloat0.00This is default stake that all new games will have (Economy support only).
stake.maxfloat-1.00The maximum stake that players are allowed to bet on a game. A negative value means 'no maximum'. May be useful to limit the profits a strong checkers player can make by playing the AI with a huge stake. (Economy support only).
stake.large_incrementfloat10.00When using the control panel to adjust the stake for a game (Economy support only), this is the default increment to add/subtract to the stake, when the player is not sneaking (holding Shift).
stake.small_incrementfloat1.00When using the control panel to adjust the stake for a game (Economy support only), this is the default increment to add/subtract to the stake, when the player is sneaking (holding Shift).
teleportingbooleantrueIf false, any teleporting between boards (using the "Teleport Out" button or /checkers tp command) will be disabled. Teleporting around a board is not affected by this.
time_control.defaultstringnoneThis is the default time control that will be used for all games that are created.
time_control.warn_secondsinteger30 secondsPlayers will be warned periodically if they have less than this amount of time to make a move. The warning timer halves each time the player is warned, so with a warning timer of 30, players get warned 30 -> 15 -> 7 -> 3 -> 1 seconds before their timer expires and they forfeit the game.
wand_itemmaterial spec.*You must be holding this item in your hand to move pieces by waving at them ("air" means empty-handed). You can also use "*" to allow any item to be held.

Duration Specifiers

Valid duration specifications in the table below are:

ms, milliseconds100 ms
s, seconds3 s, 3 seconds
m, minutes2 m, 2 minutes
h, hours1 h 30 m, 1 hour 30 minutes
d, days2 d, 2 days
w, weeks4 w 2 d 3 h, 4 weeks 2 days 3 hours


As of v2.0.0, several settings allow you to define special effects, either sounds or visual, which are played when a particular event occurs. See the entries in Settings under effects for a list of those settings and their defaults. The format for specifying an effect is:


All effects start with effect type, followed by a command, followed by one or more key/value pairs. The valid effect types are:

  • sound: Play a sound that the client knows about.
  • effect: Play an effect which may be visual, audible, or both. E.g. puff of smoke, portal particles...
  • explosion: Play an explosion effect (or even a real explosion!)
  • lightning: Play a lightning effect (or even a real lightning strike!)

The valid parameters are:

Parameter nameTypeUse withDescription
volumefloatsoundSpecifies the volume of the sound, default 1.0
pitchfloatsoundSpecifies the pitch of the sound, default 1.0 (valid range appears to be 0..3)
namestringsound, effectSpecifies the Bukkit sound or effect name to play. See for a list of valid sounds, and for a list of valid effects (you may use upper or lower case).
datainteffectEffect-specific data. Not all effects needs this. For SMOKE, it gives the smoke direction (4 is straight up)
radiusinteffectThe radius of the effect. Players must be within this radius to see/hear the effect. Default: 64
powerfloatexplosion, lightningThe power of an explosion or lightning strike. Any value above 0 means a real explosion or strike (for lightning, all non-zero values are equivalent). Default: 0
firebooleanexplosionIf true, explosions will also cause fires. Default: false


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