
Config Documentation

The Default Config

The default config below shows only a small amount of what all you can do at the current moment, it is included with every installation. In this example we have two completely different slots, one that shows off giving money and the other showing off the actions included.

  #If changed to true, your console will be spammed with output every time a slot machine is played
  debug: false
  #The config version, don't change this if you don't want your config resetting
  config-version: 1.0
  #The plugin tracks some simple stats in the stats.yml, set this to false if you don't want it to
  track-statistics: true
  #By default diagonal winnings are turned off, turn it on if you want more winnings
  allow-diagonal-winnings: false
  #This protection makes it so players can't "steal" plot blocks from the machine.
  enable-slot-protection: true
  #The plugin attempts to keep the chunks loaded that have slot machines in it, turn this on if you want to see those messages and which chunks it is keeping loaded.
  enable-chunk-messages: false
  #Should we check if the player can build in the worldguard region they are trying to place the slot machine in?
  enable-worldguard-check: false
  #The plugin now has the ability to check towny plots and if the player owns the plot where they are creating the slot machine at, they HAVE to own the plot or else it will fail.
    #Should we check towny plots?
    enabled: false
    #Should mayors be the only ones to create slot machines?
    only-mayors: true
    #What should we say to players who aren't a mayor when they try to create a slot machine?
    no-mayor: You must be a mayor to create a Casino Slot.
    #Should only players who have towns be able to make slot machines?
    only-towns: true
    #What do we say if someone tries to create a slot machine and they aren't part of a town?
    no-town: To create a slot you must be part of a town.
    #What should we say to the player when they can't create a slot machine at that plot since they don't own it?
    no-ownership: You don't own the plot where that would be at, please make sure you are the owner and then try again.
  #The following  nodes allows you to config how the plugin appears to players
    #Should we display the prefix before our messages we send out?
    display-plugin-prefix: true
    #What should the prefix be?
    plugin-prefix: '[Casino]'
    #What color should our prefix be?
    plugin-prefix-color: '&c&o'
    #What color should our messages be?
    chat-color: '&a'
    cost: 100
    create-cost: 1000
    - 42,21
    - 41,12
    - 57,7
    - 46,8
    - 103,9
    - 49,4
    - 3,5
        message: Winner - 3 iron blocks! An enchanted iron sword.
        money: 0.0
        action: give 267,16,5 1
        message: Winner - 3 gold blocks! $300 awarded.
        money: 300.0
        message: Winner - 3 diamond blocks! $750 awarded.
        money: 750.0
        action: kill
        message: Winne-
        money: 0.0
        action: give 103 10
        message: Winner - 3 ..melons? Nom.
        money: 0.0
      insufficient-permission: Sorry, you can't play this slot.
      insufficient-funds: You can't afford to use this.
      in-use: This slot machine is already in use.
      no-win: No luck this time.
      start: '[cost] removed from your account. Let''s roll!'
      - 'Instructions:'
      - Get 3 in a row in order to win. $100 per spin.
      - '3 iron blocks: $175'
      - '3 gold blocks: $300'
      - '3 diamond blocks: $750'
      - '3 melon blocks: stack of melons'
    cost: 150
    create-cost: 1000
    - 35,3,2
    - 46,1
    - 74,1
    - 87,1
    - 103,1
    - 45,1
        action: goblind
        message: Winne- You can't see now!
        money: 0.0
        action: kill
        message: Winne-
        money: 0.0
        action: drugup
        message: Winne- Kids, drugs are bad!
        action: fire
        message: Winne- Fire hurts! Don't mess with it.
        money: 0.0
        action: give 103 3
        message: Winner - 3 ..melons? Nom.
        money: 0.0
        - command give [player] 336 1
        message: Winner - A command has been executed!
        money: 0.0
      insufficient-permission: You can't play this one, that's too sad - we really wanted you to win.
      insufficient-funds: You can't afford to use this.
      in-use: This slot machine is already in use.
      no-win: No luck this time.
      start: '[cost] removed from your account. Let''s roll!'
      - 'Instructions:'
      - Get 3 in a row in order to win. $150 per spin.
      - '3 tnt blocks: Death!'
      - '3 on redstone lamps: You go Blind!'
      - '3 melon blocks: stack of melons'
      - '3 redstone: Get drugged'
      - '3 nether brick: Catch on fire'

Type: Default

This type costs 1000 of your in game money to create and 100 of your in game money to play. The reel contains seven different blocks, five of which you have a chance at winning. In the reel the item id 42 will show up 21 times, the item id 41 will show up 12 times, the item id 57 will show up 7 times, the item id 46 will show up 8, the item id 103 will show up 9 times, the item id 49 will show up 4 times, and the item id 3 will show up 5 times. The more times the items show up (the last numbers), the less likely chance of winning there is.

As for rewards, if block id 42 shows up in a row the player will win 175.0 in game money, if the block id 41 shows up in a row the player will win 300.0 in game money, if the item id 57 shows up in a row the player will win 750.0 in game money, if the block id 46 shows up in a row the player will be be killed, and if the item id 103 shows up in a row the player will be give 10 103's.

As for the messages, these are what make the plugin very configurable. These are self explaining and should be very understandable.


For a list of actions, see here: