

Simple Actions

killaction: killKills the poor player
kickaction: kickKicks the winner with "You cheated the Casino!"
addxpaction: addxp 7Gives the winner xp points (not levels).
addxplvlaction: addxplvl 10Gives the winner xp levels.
tptoaction: tpto 50,65,-1000Teleports the winner to the comma separated coordinate (x,y,z).
smiteaction: smiteStrikes the location the winner is at with lightning.
^action: smite 3Strikes the location the winner is at with lightning 3 times.
fireaction: fireSets the winner on fire for 120 ticks.
^action: fire 60Sets the winner on fire for 60 ticks.
goblindaction: goblindMakes the winner blind for 300 ticks.
^action: goblind 90Makes the winner blind for 90 ticks.
drugupaction: drugupPuts a drunken affect on the winner (dizzy).
gocrazyaction: gocrazyMakes the winner's screen and controls inverted for 160 ticks.
^action: gocrazy 200Makes the winner's screen and controls inverted for 200 ticks.
highjumpaction: highjumpMakes the winner jump high for 120 ticks.
^action: highjump 180Makes the winner jump high for 180 ticks.
digfastaction: digfastMakes the winner dig fast for 400 ticks.
^action: digfast 120Makes the winner dig fast for 120 ticks.
hulkupaction: hulkupMakes the winner strong for 400 ticks.
^action: hulkup 120Makes the winner strong for 120 ticks.
slapaction: slapSlaps the player.
rocketaction: rocketRockets the player 30 blocks up.

Complex Actions

giveaction: give 383,120 10Gives the winner an item(s). Use , after id for data value.
EnchantmentIf you want an enchantment use id,enchantmentID,enchantmentLevel
commandaction: command op [player]Executes a command sent at the console level
Variables[player] The player who played the slot
broadcastaction: broadcast [player] spent [cost] on a slot machine and won!Sends server wide message.
Variables[player] The player who played the slot
[cost] The cost of the slot machine played.
[type] The name of the type of the slot machine.
[moneyown] The amount of money won!