Nordic is a Worldgenerator which creates a world that will have a nordic looking. There are continents and smaller islands. There are lakes, a custom Treetype, some caves and all ores/mushrooms/flowers/lava... whatever you need. Most of the screenshots were made during development using the seed 1337 if you want to try this world. You might experience some strange spawning locations and some strange blocks around the generated lakes, but it should be very rare.
You have to know how to edit the bukkit.yml or use a plugin that does this part for you, like Pinapp. The command & permission beneath are not needed if you use Pinapp or edit the bukkit.yml, i just left them in so its possible to take a look on a Nordic world without doing any configuration stuff.
MOAR SCREENS!!111 (including a shiny 360° panorama)
Also thanks alot to @codename_B for allowing me to use his BlockPopulators.
And as always, feedback and suggestions are always welcome, hope you like it.
/nordic <worldname> <seed>
Creates a new Nordic world and ports you in the world. If there already is a world with the given name, you will just be ported in the world.
Gives access to the /nordic command
For Pinapp see: Link
For Multiverse see: Link
For My Worlds see: Link
Any others multiworld manager that supports generators should provide information on how to do it. Everything you need from Nordic apart from the .jar file is the Generatorname, which is Nordic
you have to add the following to your bukkit.yml file if you aren't using pinapp or a similar plugin:
worlds: yourworldname: generator: Nordic
Erm, I'm getting this error when setting world_nether to use BananaNordic on the 1.8 server which supposedly plugins didn't need to be updated for...
[SEVERE] Could not set generator for default world 'world_nether': Plugin 'BananaNordic' is not enabled yet (is it load:STARTUP?)
nevermind, I fixed it by opening the Nordic.jar and changing the plugin.yml a tiny bit.
Ok, great. Thanks.
Use the /nordic command and then import the world using /mv import (worldname)! Thats the way it works, atleast for me as MV gave me error when setting -g to Nordic!
Thanks, you should consider putting that in the description for both your benefit and ours. :)
I'm not understanding. What do I edit in my bukkit.yml?
yes it is, i guess you haven't edited your bukkit.yml?
The world generated didn't look like the pictures :( And I used the 1337 seed. When it generated I walked a few chunks away and it was a big hill then regular world...I'm running Multiverse? Maybe that affects it? It is supposed to go on forever right?
Has anyone found an awesome seed for this generator yet?
glad you like it :D
Just made a completely pvp-based world on my server with this, its beautiful. Now to build fortresses, gunships, cannons, and whatever else is needed to have fun in pvp :D!
Nice. Created a world with this. :D