Nordic is a Worldgenerator which creates a world that will have a nordic looking. There are continents and smaller islands. There are lakes, a custom Treetype, some caves and all ores/mushrooms/flowers/lava... whatever you need. Most of the screenshots were made during development using the seed 1337 if you want to try this world. You might experience some strange spawning locations and some strange blocks around the generated lakes, but it should be very rare.
You have to know how to edit the bukkit.yml or use a plugin that does this part for you, like Pinapp. The command & permission beneath are not needed if you use Pinapp or edit the bukkit.yml, i just left them in so its possible to take a look on a Nordic world without doing any configuration stuff.
MOAR SCREENS!!111 (including a shiny 360° panorama)
Also thanks alot to @codename_B for allowing me to use his BlockPopulators.
And as always, feedback and suggestions are always welcome, hope you like it.
/nordic <worldname> <seed>
Creates a new Nordic world and ports you in the world. If there already is a world with the given name, you will just be ported in the world.
Gives access to the /nordic command
For Pinapp see: Link
For Multiverse see: Link
For My Worlds see: Link
Any others multiworld manager that supports generators should provide information on how to do it. Everything you need from Nordic apart from the .jar file is the Generatorname, which is Nordic
you have to add the following to your bukkit.yml file if you aren't using pinapp or a similar plugin:
worlds: yourworldname: generator: Nordic
This is a nice world generator, and I can confirm that it does work with 1.7.9.
However, I have observed that it doesn't work well with NoLagg; having them both on the same server often causes the server to crash.
EDIT: This keeps on crashing, without NoLagg running as well. The crash is because it tries to register a task while it's disabled.
so i finally found some time to look at my bukkit stuff again, and well idk why everyone is demanding a new version? i downloaded the latest nordic version and it worked fine for me with 1.6.4r2? i've updated the version of the file, i might look into some new features or other updates in the next few weeks, thanks for your interest in this plugin.
I produced a showcase/ guide for this plugin if you want to check it out! I hope you enjoy!
I make a french tutorial for this plugin.
Testing out this plugin. Looks great. Is it just me or are ores very rare? Is there a way to increase the likelihood of them appearing in chunks?
How the hell do u get this to work.
I made version for 1.5.1 here
shame that this plugin was discontinued. was amazing.
I think Trees should be created last so that they don't get cut off when making lakes.
Vary interested in an update!
please update this great plugin....please
There have been many bugs/glitches in the previous versions such as the waterfalls not flowing downwards and just hovering over air. (1.2.5 Nordic with 1.2.5 Server)
If I used an outdated version would it still generate emerald ore?
yes he is working on it
Will this be updating to 1.3? I'm not asking for a release date, but solely if it will update at ALL.
simple in multiverse core`s config file look for
change to in your case
firstspawnworld: world
and save
Is a fail
I will test it
Just rename it the main world and delete your other world and it will be your main world!
Does this generate strongholds?