Nordic is a Worldgenerator which creates a world that will have a nordic looking. There are continents and smaller islands. There are lakes, a custom Treetype, some caves and all ores/mushrooms/flowers/lava... whatever you need. Most of the screenshots were made during development using the seed 1337 if you want to try this world. You might experience some strange spawning locations and some strange blocks around the generated lakes, but it should be very rare.
You have to know how to edit the bukkit.yml or use a plugin that does this part for you, like Pinapp. The command & permission beneath are not needed if you use Pinapp or edit the bukkit.yml, i just left them in so its possible to take a look on a Nordic world without doing any configuration stuff.
MOAR SCREENS!!111 (including a shiny 360° panorama)
Also thanks alot to @codename_B for allowing me to use his BlockPopulators.
And as always, feedback and suggestions are always welcome, hope you like it.
/nordic <worldname> <seed>
Creates a new Nordic world and ports you in the world. If there already is a world with the given name, you will just be ported in the world.
Gives access to the /nordic command
For Pinapp see: Link
For Multiverse see: Link
For My Worlds see: Link
Any others multiworld manager that supports generators should provide information on how to do it. Everything you need from Nordic apart from the .jar file is the Generatorname, which is Nordic
you have to add the following to your bukkit.yml file if you aren't using pinapp or a similar plugin:
worlds: yourworldname: generator: Nordic
Could there be a setting for MOAR TREES PLEASE! :D
A little more beach shores would be nice aswel
nice to see it updated :) could you add something to regenerate the nice forrest with the very big trees? :)
Please can I have some help as I have pinapp and this but I have no clue on earth how to use them. Please help :S
Omg, this is simply breathe taking. Job well done sir!
Wow hi everyone, i was quite busy with university but i've found some time now to update my bukkit plugins. As it turned out there havn't been any API changes for wgens so the plugin should work just fine and it did for me. If you have any probs with it feel free to ask. Now to clear some of the questions:
1. The Texture pack i used/use is called Misa's Realistic Texture Pack link
2. This is just a standalone wgen. If you want to you multiple worlds in a comfortable way you have to use a multiworld plugin like pinapp. Same if you want to teleport between worlds.
3. Only the solid landscape is based on the seed, the lakes and everything are more or less absolutely random. So i can't tell any coords on where to find the lakes from the screenshots.
4. Biomes. They are still generated by the server itself and i can't affect them. So you have to live with swamp water and stuff.
5. There is a small chance to get a world generated by some seeds that doesn't has a valid spawnpoint within 500x500 blocks. In this case the server will lock up. Solution -> Delete the world and use another seed.
I hope this cleared some things up. I'll upload a updated version for 1.1 in a min. And thanks for the nice comments, very appreciated
Does Sugar Cane grow anywhere in the BananaNordic world? We can't find any.
Oh add more ocean, deserts and tundra other wise this is the best generator I have seen.
@BuildingbakerIsn't it awesome? I'm from Norway and I see it too. I use it as a main world.
How much mainland and how much lake you get is dependant on the seed, my seed currently has minimal lake and lots of mainland.
You need to learn how to use multiworld managers to get the most out of generators. I use PInapp -
I LOVE the plugin. I come from Finland myself and I can see the resemblance. Even though its AWESOME I found some errors.
Now a couple of questions.
Please take your valuable time to answer these questions and fix these problems. I really want my old world back!
This looks like just what I wanted for my server. Is there an update in the works?
Would love to for this to be updated for 1.0.1... looks VERY interesting
How do you leave the Nordic world back to the main one?
nice generator :) any way to set forestgen from worldedit to generate banananordic forests?
Hi all I've got a problem I tried to use Banananordic plugin with my Local Bukkit serv but i failed, i don't find the solution Can someone create a banananordic map and after upload it for me ? TY
Is this project dead? Its a really nice generator. Any plans to update it against the latest CB?
Nice work!! I love this!!!! Absolutely amazing!!!!
---------------------------Website: Server IP: Online Market: Dynamic Map: TeamSpeak 3 IP: Today!!!
what texturepack did you use when taking the screens?
Please, pleeeeeeaaaaase make a singleplayer version of this mod!

Why not generate the world in server mode (use a fly mod to fly around in a huge area so you have enough space to explore) then copy-paste the world into the single player mode save location?
i think you can use mcedit to select a map generator and generate a map as big as u want. if that doesnt work theres another bukkit plugin that just generates the map for you, as big as you want. honeslty its easy to build your own server and it'll run smoother because the servers hosted on a seperate machine. minecraft lan is awesome