Nordic is a Worldgenerator which creates a world that will have a nordic looking. There are continents and smaller islands. There are lakes, a custom Treetype, some caves and all ores/mushrooms/flowers/lava... whatever you need. Most of the screenshots were made during development using the seed 1337 if you want to try this world. You might experience some strange spawning locations and some strange blocks around the generated lakes, but it should be very rare.
You have to know how to edit the bukkit.yml or use a plugin that does this part for you, like Pinapp. The command & permission beneath are not needed if you use Pinapp or edit the bukkit.yml, i just left them in so its possible to take a look on a Nordic world without doing any configuration stuff.
MOAR SCREENS!!111 (including a shiny 360° panorama)
Also thanks alot to @codename_B for allowing me to use his BlockPopulators.
And as always, feedback and suggestions are always welcome, hope you like it.
/nordic <worldname> <seed>
Creates a new Nordic world and ports you in the world. If there already is a world with the given name, you will just be ported in the world.
Gives access to the /nordic command
For Pinapp see: Link
For Multiverse see: Link
For My Worlds see: Link
Any others multiworld manager that supports generators should provide information on how to do it. Everything you need from Nordic apart from the .jar file is the Generatorname, which is Nordic
you have to add the following to your bukkit.yml file if you aren't using pinapp or a similar plugin:
worlds: yourworldname: generator: Nordic
fixed it. but I want to make it my main world. is that possible?
I have this and multiverse core and for some reason it gets to 8 percent building the new world and It shuts down my server.
I really want your better cave system for this mod. It's a beautiful landscape, but the lack of underground caverns makes mining boring.
hi ! good plugin but
it don t recognize the seed of my map (117) generate cubic forest in an ocean
Hey, I just posted a thread on the minecraft net forums asking for a plugin which does the same, thank you and I will try that :D
if thats the case use worldborder to fill a giant radios of the world. thats what i did and my map came out fine
I discovered If I generated a new world It fixes the problem.
There is a high possibility that the worlds sort of stop generating properly after a restart, though I have no solid evidence for this it seems to be what happened for me.
I'm basicly getting the same problem cal is
Hey, I downloaded this plugin, installed it correctly, generated the world. The first time It ran perfectly and I loved it! I restart the server, go exploring and notice at some points it stops generating the "nordic" way and it was generating like normal minecraft worlds. How can I fix this?
It generates jungle biomes...
Is there a fix for this?
Generated a few different worlds, it seems like this happens 25% of the time.
Is it possible to make a existing normal world change the generator and nordic landscape will appear in new generated unexplored lands? Btw, Great looking plugin, TEH HECK YOU DID THAT :O........
Looks great! I can't wait until that is finished. Any chance for an ETA on that?
EDIT: Just realized it doesn't show exactly which post I'm replying to. I was talking about the new cave generator.
I run dimension doors as my multi world plugin. but with that plugin i told it to remove the the nordic world. and i delete the nordic world folder
that spam doesnt look like it is caused by nordic, are you running any multiworld/worldmanagement related plugins? Also yes the worldgeneration is slower then the vanilla, but i never had crashes caused by nordic. Any additional info you can give me?
note when i also frist ran this plugin to it crashed the server....and had random crashes afterwards.....
now even with the plugin off the world removed it still has random crashes i will get MASSIVE spam at random times of
2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - interact 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - interact 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - interact 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - interact 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - interact 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - interact 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] Adding variable - build
and in between the spam get
2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] #[33m The current world was reloaded.#[0m 2012-03-25 01:26:05 [INFO] #[33mYou have selected world 'Nordic'.#[0m
mc 1.1 cb4 nordic 0.1.4
destroyed my group management system
How do i install this in Singleplayer?
Looks nicely evil. Having chests will be nice. Any ideas yet what will go in them?
Edit: I also did some research, and It seems that there were/are reeds in this kind of environment, or at least I assume so due to the fact that they used reed pipes as musical instruments...
Hi there, thanks for your feedback, I'm currently working on a better cave/underground system for both, nordic and tropic. here is a small preview, still a long way to go, but I hope to integrate it into both wgens in the next days: PREVIEW
That would be epic, but it would have to be a VERY large biome to give the feeling of grandure you'd expect from it. Personally I'd be content with dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, etc. Cacti and reeds would probably need adding to pre-generated chests though, else there'd be no way of getting them naturally.