AutoPurge documentation page
Note:By default AutoPurge is disabled!
AutoPurge purges others plugins info.
WorldGuard: If all owners and members of region is inactive, it deletes and optionally regenerates a region. Also removes owners and members that are inactive from other regions. Ignores regions with 0 members and owners. (6.0+).
LWC: If owner is inactive deletes his protections and optionally removes blocks. (4.5.0+)
MyWarp: If the owner of the warp is inactive then in deletes the warp. (2.6.5+)
Residence: If owner is inactive removes and optionally regenerates residence. Also removes inactive renters. (3.0+)
Permissions: If player is inactive removes permissions. Check only players that had their .dat files when this purge started. (Vault) Special support for GroupManager, can purge permissions even if player didn't have a .data file.
Players .dat files: If player is deletes his .dat file and stats.
/asw purge (performs a purge manually)
Permission: autosaveworld.purge
Config values: (config.yml)
purge: enabled: false #enable or disable AutoPurge interval: 86400 #interval between AutoPurge cycles awaytime: 2592000 #If player didn't play on server for {awaytime(seconds)} , his info will be deleted in AutoPurge cycle. broadcast: true #broadcast message before and after AutoPurge ignorednicks: [] #list of nicknames which always assumed to be active and won't be purged (will be converted to uuids in uuid environment) ignoreduuids: [] #list of uuids which always assumed to be active and won't be purged wg: enabled: true #enable or disable WorldGuard regoins purge regenpurgedregion: false #regenerate purged worldguard regions noregenoverlapregion: true #do not regen overlapping regions lwc: enabled: true #enable or disable LWC purge deletepurgedblocks: false #delete blocks of purged protections residence: enabled: true #enable or disable Residence purge regenpurgedresidence: false #regenerate purged Residence (requeres WorldEdit) permissions: enabled: true #enable permissions purge (needs Vault, or GroupManager) savecmd: mansave #command to save changes to permissions after purge is done mywarp: enabled: true #enable mywarp purge dat: enabled: true #enable or disable player .dat file purge
Can't there be a permission that prevents that user from being purged instead of adding every uuid or name to the list?
No, offline players can't have a permission
What is the correct way to add ignorednicks?