AutoBackup documentation page

Note:By default AutoBackup is disabled!
AutoBackup backups your worlds folders, by default backups are located at the folder {your server folder}/backups/.
backups of worlds are stored in the folder {backupfolder}/worlds , using WorldEdit snapshot folder structure
backups of plugins are stored in the folder {backupfolder}/plugins

/asw backup (performs a backup manually)
Permission: autosaveworld.backup

Config values: (config.yml)

  enabled: false #enable or disable autobackup
  interval: 21600 #interval in seconds between autobackups
  savebefore: true #forces save before doing backup
  broadcast: true #broadcast message before and after the backup
  rateLimit: -1 #limits the read rate (kb/s, -1 for unlimited)
    enabled: true #enable backup to local filesystem
    worlds: #list of worlds to backup, '*' - backup all worlds 
    - '*'
    MaxNumberOfWorldsBackups: 30 #maximum number of worlds backups, after reaching this limit, plugin will delete the oldest one and then create a new.
    pluginsfolder: false #backups plugins folder
    MaxNumberOfPluginsBackups: 30 #maximum number of plugins backups, after reaching this limit, plugin will delete the oldest one and then create a new.
    excludefolders: [] #list of paths to folders excluded from backup
    destinationfolders: [] #list of destinationfolders folders to backup to
    zip: false #zip backuped folders.
    enabled: false #enable backup to ftp
    sftp: true #uses sftp backup
    hostname: #ftp server hostname
    port: 21 #ftp server port
    login: user #ftp server username/login
    password: password #ftp server password
    path: asw #path at ftp server at which backups will be stored
    zip: false #zip bakuped folders
    worlds: #list of worlds to backup, '*' - backup all worlds 
    - '*'
    pluginsfolder: false #backup plugins folder
    otherfolders: [] #list of other folders to backup
    excludefolders: [] #list of paths to folders excluded from backup
    maxNumberOfBackups: 2 #maximum number of backups, after reaching this limit, plugin will delete the oldest one and then create a new.
    enabled: true #enable script backup
    scriptpaths: [] '' #paths to the scripts to execute
    enabled: false #enable backup to dropbox
    token: #your own app token(get one by creating your own app with full access at
    path: asw #path at dropbox at which backups will be stored
    worlds: #list of worlds to backup, '*' - backup all worlds 
    - '*'
    pluginsfolder: false #backup plugins folder
    otherfolders: [] #list of other folders to backup
    excludefolders: [] #list of paths to folders excluded from backup
    maxNumberOfBackups: 2 #maximum number of backups, after reaching this limit, plugin will delete the oldest one and then create a new.
    zip: true #zip bakuped folders

excludefolders example:

  - 'plugins/Essentials'
  - 'plugins/dynmap/web/tiles'
  - 'plugins/A*' #wildcard, will ignore any folders which are in plugin folder and which names starts with A

destinationfolders example:

  - 'D:/test'
  - '/home/serv/test'


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