AntiCreeper 4.12.2
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UploadedSep 2, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
- Version 4.12.2:
- Added: changes for metrics reporting
- report number of thrown blocks from blockphysics
- report if any block filters by explosion type
- report if modified explosion yield by type
- new command acp stats to print to console same data reported to
- Added: changes for metrics reporting
- Version 4.12.1:
- Fixed: Crash on start with "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.mcstats.Metrics.addCustomData " (Ticket 32).
- ONLY USE this version if you see this error
- Using it along with another plugin that uses the older (R6) verson of Metrics might cause problems, too, but haven't tested that
- Added:
- crystal explosions statistics, still in work adding a few more metrics
- check for SafeCreeper at same time
- implemented Modify_Prime() API.
- report warning when SafeCreeper is nerfing same explosion
- Fixed: Crash on start with "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.mcstats.Metrics.addCustomData " (Ticket 32).
- Version 4.12:
- Added: New nerf_crystal node for ender crystals
- Fixed: "no push" bug on minecarts with default config (Ticket 31)
- Extensive rewrite/simplification of code to make addition of new controlled explosions easier. Let me know of any bugs that my testing didn't find.
- Version 4.11:
- Added: New optional config nodes nerf_fireball.skull and nerf_tnt.minecart and associated commands.
- Fixed:
- fixed bug that nerf_unknown.entitydamage was not being used
- can now set different base power (there is a velocity factor) for TNT minecarts.
- Verison 4.10.1:
- Fixed: entitydamage.depth logic reversed. Fixes Ticket 30
- Version 4.10:
- Added: New nerf_unknown node.
- Same controls as other explosions
- except fire & power, which are set by the plugin generating the unknown explosion.
- Added: New nerf_unknown node.
- Version 4.9:
- Added: New explodeabove option for depth, reverses behavior
- Version 4.8:
- Added: .blockphysics [true|false] causes destroyed blocks to be thrown from explosion center.
- Yes, there are command options to turn it (all) on/off.
- It can an slow down chained TNT calculations.
- Haven't yet tested for TNT cannons
- Updated: nerf_tnt.* now applies to TNT minecarts from 1.5 update
- yes, requires 1.5. Also works with 1.5.1
- caveat: can't set power of TNT mine carts; no ExplosionPrimeEvent. It seems they are quite strong
- Added: reporting to Turn off by setting opt-out to false in config/PluginMetrics/config.yml
- Added: .blockphysics [true|false] causes destroyed blocks to be thrown from explosion center.
- Version 4.7:
- Added: .power config node now allows overriding each explosion radius/power
- Version 4.6.1:
- Compiled with Java 1.6, so fixed if you are still using 1.6. Error details here.
- Version 4.6:
- Improved:
- standard explosion smoke visuals even when nerfed (Ticket 26)
- Randomized drop locations when blocklists active
- Fixed
- ignore space in string material names for blocklists
- set creeperYield when command used (Ticket 28)
- display yields when no # supplied in command
- Better? Added internal default for denigrated "damageblocks"
- Improved:
- Version 4.5:
- Fixed: NPE on special explosions by other plugins (Ticket 27)
- Added: command allowbeds (or just "beds") to set nerf_beds
- Version 4.4.2: compiled against 1.4.5-R1.0 Bukkit release
- Version 4.4.1
- Fixed: recompiled with Bukkit development build >= 2505 to fix Ticket 25. Only needed if you work with Bukkit dev builds in your server.
- Version 4.4:
- Fixed: not writing default config.yml when no plugin/Anticreeper3 directory (nod to @xColourTheory)
- Added: nerf_beds to control exploding nether beds (nod to @iPedro2)
- NOTE: built with beta build 1.4.5R0.2; download 4.4.1 to fix Ticket 25 for you servers that use Bukkit dev builds.
- Version 4.3.1:
- Fixed: recompiled with Bukkit development build >= 2505 to fix Ticket 25. Only needed if you work with dev builds in your server.
- Version 4.3:
- Fixed: nowhitespace bug in blocklist parsing
- Changed: Unattributed explosions now check nerf_lightning.entitydamage (instead of nerf_tnt)
- Added: nerf_wither.destroyblocks to control its ability to "walk through walls" (Ticket 24), separate of the spawn explosion
- Changed: damageblocks now named explodeblocks to clearly differentiate from destroyblocks, but configs are backward-compatible
- Added: nerf_dragon config node to control dragon's ability to sail through blocks
- supports explodeblocks (yes, it is actually generating a bunch of 0-yield explosions)
- supports blocklist/whitelist
- And commands for all of the above
- Version 4.2:
- Added: made topainting apply to item frames as well as picture frames
- Added: handle unattributed explosions (usually, some other plugin) damaging entities
- for now, uses nerf_tnt.entitydamage. entry. Could be separated to a new config item.
- Fixed: bug when setting damageblocks using command line.
- Added: command-line block filters now accept Bukkit Material names or ID numbers; either works.
- I found this convenient, but remember that trees are "LOG" and planks are "WOOD", etc.
- Cannot set subtypes in this way (such as birch or jungle wood); for that must use "17:2" form.
- Version 4.1:
- Added: blocklift and blockplace commands for endermen control
- Tested against 1.4.5-R0.2
- Version 4.0:
- Added: in-game commands to print, set, and save configuration. Yay!
- Version 3.7:
- Added: Full configurability of Wither boss explosion under nerf_wither
- Version 3.6.3:
- Tested against 1.4.2-R0.2. No changes (yet).
- Version 3.6.2:
- Fixed : entitydamage.depth check was reversed; still caused damage when depth=0. Ticket 23
- Version 3.6.1:
- Fixed : uploaded wrong zip file. Sorry! This version will still report as 3.6
- Version 3.6:
- Added: .fire attribute: set whether or not any explosion should start fires
- Fixed: Nerfed fireball explosions used to not set fire to nearby blocks.
- Changed: respect .entitydamage all the time, no matter if not nerfed nor filtered.
- Added .entitydamage.depth: to control how deep altered explosion damage applies
- Added: .fire attribute: set whether or not any explosion should start fires
- Version 3.5.1:
- Fixed Ticket 20: crash (NPE by EntityDamageByEntityEvent) on TNT explosions.
- Version 3.5.0:
- Fixed: FINER/FINEST messages to system.log (Ticket 17) when no log level configured. (was introduced in 3.4.1)
- Added: nerf_lightning.entitydamage functionality (Ticket 15)
- Version 3.4.2:
- Fixed: Removed dead code causing config file rewrite when interacting with other plugins (Ticket 16) Thanks to @daeger for the report and testing!
- Version 3.4.1:
- Added: nerf_fireball.blocklist.
- Fixed: (Ticket 14) All blocks were always being saved when .damageblocks= true and .blocklist not empty.
- Version 3.4.0:
- Added: refined entitydamage configuration: mob, item, player, painting, and dropped items. Ticket 13]
- Version 3.3.2:
- Changed: increased TNT chain delay relative to Ticket 12.
- Fixed: .entitydamage=false not really working (only checked when nerfing block damage or filtering blocks). Yay!
- Version 3.3.1:
- Fixed Ticket 12: "Only TNT chains" config doesn't trigger TNT.
- Changed: Now respects .entitydamage=false and .effects=false even when damageblocks=true. If you really want to do it, OK! Also didn't really make sense when your blacklist had one type of block in it (ex. TNT) and it was a whitelist, so the only thing damaged is that.
- Version 3.3.0:
- Added new feature to nerf enderman behaviors
- Fixed bug: nerf_*.whitelist was not being checked; instead old style block_whitelist was being checked for both which defaulted to false.
- Version 3.2.2
- Fixed: example config file inside zip at AntiCreeper/config.yml to new format
- Fixed: some config booleans that should default to True were defaulting to false
- Version 3.2.1
- Fixed: (Ticket10) Players killed by nerfed explosions lose all their inventory
- Version 3.2.0
- Fixed: annoying "unnerfed world" message to console
- Added: optional new configuration scheme, allowing more discrete control of features
- Added: new ability to disable smoke/sound effects or player damage for nerfed explosions
- Version 3.1.3:
- fixed bug: nerfed TNT could start fires. Future: ability to turn fire on/off
- Version 3.1.2: all functions working!
- Version 3.1.1: update to 1.2.3 beta
- known issue: nerfed creepers not hurting players the right amount
- Version 3.1: update to development build of 1.2.2-R0.1
- using new event and configuration system of Bukkit, but no functional changes
- Version 3.0.0 : First release by Filbert66
- New feature (tickets 1,3) with creeper/TNT nerf height/depth limit in variable "nerf_depth".
- New feature (ticket 4): "creeper_yield" integer variable. Set to percentage (0-100) of blocks 2B leftover from un-nerfed creeper explosions
- Fixed (ticket 5): nerfed explosions no longer destroy paintings
- New feature (ticket 3, 5): new "tnt_list" or "creeper_list" of block IDs to NOT destroy. Flip to destroy only what's on the list by setting new "block_whitelist" to true.
- Changelog: Version 2.5
- Added yml configuration file.
- Ghast nerf.
- Multi-world (Currently it just turn on/off ALL protection in that world. Sorry about that, YAML is a bit new to me )
- Changelog: Version 2.0
- Added sounds.
- Changelog: Version 1.5
- Added AntiCreeper with AntiTNT
- Changelog: Version 1.0
- Releasing the plugin.
- Nerfed lightning still sets fire to things, so that can still cause damage. Recommend AntiFire.
- Fireballs "thrown" by a player (using some plugin) directly onto a hanging (picture or frame) knock it off the wall because the "breaker" is a Player. Bukkit doesn't communicate the difference between breaking by hand and breaking by thrown item. Still am able to nerf explosion damage from it, though.
- Exploding beds are special; have no blocklist or entitydamage config nodes.
- Unmodified minecart explosions (fire, yield, physics) use MC default fire & power since there is no ExplosionPrimeEvent. To avoid this set a blockfilter as blacklist with one innocuous block (ex. flower).
Fixed in 4.12: Setting effects false appears to disable entity "push" effects.
Fixed in 4.11: Can't set power of TNT mine carts; no ExplosionPrimeEvent