Commands and Permissions

Commands & Permissions


/gate help,h,? [page] - Display a help page

/gate create,new [id] - Create a gate

/gate delete,del,remove [id] - Delete a gate

/gate setfrom [id] - Set “from” to your location.

/gate setto [id] - Set “to” to your location.

/gate open [id] - Open that gate after creation.

/gate close [id] - Close that gate at any time.

/gate setmaterial [id] [air/portal/water/lava/web/sugarcane/endportal/endgateway] - Set the portal material of the gate.

/gate setexec [id] [player/console] [command] - Set command to execute on entering gate.

/gate setmessage, setmsg [id] [message] - Set a teleport message for the gate.

/gate setinv [id] [true/false/clear] - Allow/disallow/clear inventory through gate.

/gate setentities [id] [true/false] - Allow/disallow entity teleportation.

/gate setvehicles [id] [true/false] - Allow/disallow vehicle teleportation.

/gate setcost [id] [cost] - Set the cost of the gate.

/gate rename [id] [newid] - Rename a gate

/gate addfrom [id] - Add another "from" at your location

/gate remfrom [id] - Remove a "from" near your location

/gate addto [id] - Add another "to" at your location

/gate remto [id] - Remove a "to" near your location

/gate remexec [id] - Remove the command from the gate.

/gate info - Display info on the gate you are looking at

/gate list,ls - Display a list of the gates

/gate openall - Open all gates with frames.

/gate closeall - Close all gates.

/gate tpfrom, tp [id] - Teleport to gate.

/gate tpto [id] - Teleport to gate destination.

/gate setconf [option] [value] - Set config option to specified value.


Permissions (Requires Vault)

ancientgates.* - full access to all the permissions and gates. - access to the help command.

ancientgates.create - access to the create command.

ancientgates.delete - access to the delete command.

ancientgates.setfrom - access to the setfrom command.

ancientgates.setto.* - access to the setto command (note the asterisk). - access to the open command.

ancientgates.close - access to the close command.

ancientgates.setexec - access to the setexec command.

ancientgates.setmaterial - access to the setmaterial command.

ancientgates.setmessage - access to the setmessage command.

ancientgates.setinv - access to the setinv command.

ancientgates.setentities - access to the setentities command.

ancientgates.setvehicles - access to the setvehicles command.

ancientgates.setcost - access to the setcost command.

ancientgates.rename - access to the rename command.

ancientgates.addfrom - access to the addfrom command.

ancientgates.remfrom - access to the remfrom command.

ancientgates.addto - access to the addto command.

ancientgates.remto - access to the remto command.

ancientgates.remexec - access to the remexec command. - access to the info command. - show execution command in gate info.

ancientgates.list - access to the list command.

ancientgates.openall - access to the openall command.

ancientgates.closeall - access to the closeall command.

ancientgates.setconf - access to the setconf command.

ancientgates.tofrom - access to the tpfrom command.

ancientgates.tpto - access to the tpto command.

ancientgates.econbypass - bypass gate use costs.

The following permission nodes require "enforceAccess" to be set true in config (/gate setconf):

ancientgates.use.* - full access to use the gates.

ancientgates.use.[gateid] - access to use a specific gate.


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