BungeeCord Usage

Ancient Gates - BungeeCord teleportation.

This plugin can teleport any player, entity (incl. passenger) or vehicle (incl. passenger) that enters that gate to the designated location and/or execute a command. With the addition of BungeeCord, not only can this plugin teleport all of these across worlds and/or execute commands but it can teleport them across servers and execute commands on the other server.

To get started, type /gate setconf bungeeCordSupport true.

BungeeCord Usage

Typing /gate setconf bungeeCordSupport true is literally all you need to do.

Using BungeeCord's messaging system it gives access to the following commands:

/gate setto [id] [fromserver] - Set “to” to your location on a remote server.

/gate setbungeetype [id] [LOCATION/SERVER] - Set teleportation type on the local server.

/gate addto [id] [fromserver] - Add another "to" at your location on a remote server.

/gate remto [id] [fromserver] - Remove a "to" near your location on a remote server.

To make one of your gates go to a BungeeCord server, simply teleport to the server using the /server [toserver] command, pick a location and type /gate setto [id] [fromserver]. The only new part is that you are specifying the server the gate resides.

If you want the gate to only teleport the player to the BungeeCord server and not a specific "to" location. Use the command /gate setbungeetype [id] SERVER on any gate that you've specified a BungeeCord location for. Each time the player enters the gate they will teleport to their last location on that server.

Remember - You MUST be connected to the server through the BungeeCord proxy, otherwise these commands and teleports will NOT work.

BungeeCord Permissions

ancientgates.setto.local - access to the setto command locally.

ancientgates.setto.bungee - access to the setto command externally.

ancientgates.setbungeetype - access to the setbungeetype command.

ancientgates.addto.local - access to the addto command locally.

ancientgates.addto.bungee - access to the addto command externally.

ancientgates.remto.local - access to the remto command locally.

ancientgates.remto.bungee - access to the remto command externally.

Advanced BungeeCord Usage

For advanced users only. Recommended only for dedicated or VPS servers.
Click here for further information and full setup instructions...


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