Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings

All these configuration options can be altered in-game. No plugin reload or manual editing of the config files is required. To change any of these options simply type /gate setconf [option] [value].

enforceAccess [true/false]

Enable gate access permissions with the use of the "ancientgates.use.[id]" permission node. Set this option to true if you wish to control who can and can't access certain gates. This option requires the Vault plugin installed unless you're using standard Bukkit permissions. The [id] is also case-sensitive.

useEconomy [true/false]

Enable economy within AncientGates. This enables the "/gate setcost [id] [cost]" command and allows you to charge uses for accessing gates. This option requires the Vault plugin to be installed.

useVanillaPortals [true/false]

Enable the use of vanilla portals only i.e. PORTAL and ENDPORTAL materials only.

By setting useVanillaPortals to true, you disable all movement hooks within the plugin. For small servers suffering with performance issues, this can reduce AncientGates CPU resources greatly. It does unfortunately come at the cost of removing support for other portal materials such as "AIR, WATER, LAVA, WEB and SUGARCANE" that all rely on movement hooks to detect players entering them.

It also removes support for vehicle teleportation as the vanilla portal hooks cannot gather the vehicles velocity before it enters the portal.

teleportEntitiesDefault [true/false]

This option sets the default for allowing or disallowing entities through gates. It only affects newly created gates and can be overridden with the "/gate setentities [id] [true/false]" command, per gate.

Entities include mobs, items and contents within vehicles. If a gate allows vehicles, but disallows entities, the entities will be throw from the vehicle before it teleports.

teleportVehiclesDefault [true/false]

This option sets the default for allowing or disallowing vehicles through gates. It only affects newly created gates and can be overridden with the "/gate setvehicles [id] [true/false]" command, per gate.

teleportInventoryDefault [true/false/clear]

This option sets the default for allowing, disallowing or clearing inventory when passing through gates. It only affect newly created fates and can be overridden with the "/gate setinv [id] [true/false/clear]" command, per gate.

If player inventory is disallowed, then the items will be thrown onto the ground around the gate. If player inventory is set to clear, then it will be cleared completely.

gateCooldownPeriod [period]

This option sets a cooldown period between gate teleportations. This means the player must wait a certain period of time before they can teleport through another AncientGate. This can be useful in reducing lag grief caused by players constantly entering the gates.

Another use of the cooldown is if you would prefer "to" locations to be set within the frame of a "from" location. Setting an effective, but unnoticable period will prevent teleportation loops between gates.

gateMaxArea [size]

Set the maximum gate size when opening gates and searching for the portal frame. The default is 70 and the absolute maximum is 500. Anything above 100 is resource intensive and not recommended unless you have the need for extremely large portals. The "gateMaxArea" is multiplied by 10 to calculate the maximum number of portal blocks within a gate. So 100 equates to 1000 portal blocks.

gateMaterialDefault [air/portal/water/lava/web/sugarcane]

Set the default gate material for newly created gates. The materials can be AIR, PORTAL, WATER, LAVA, WEB, or SUGARCANE. The gate material can be overridden with the "/gate setmaterial [id] [portal/water/lava/web/sugarcane]" command, per gate. When executing this command the gate is closed and needs to be re-opened.

bungeeCordSupport [true/false]

Enable BungeeCord support. Please see the BungeeCord setup page for more information.

bungeeTeleportDefault [location/server]

This option sets the default Bungee teleportation type for newly created gates. It only affects newly created gates and can be overridden with the "/gate setbungeetype [id] [location/server]" command, per gate. A location-based teleport teleports the player to a specif location on the target server, whereas a server-based teleport teleports the player to their last location on the target server.

useBungeeMessages [true/false]

Set whether to display custom join/quit messages for incoming players being teleported with AncientGates via BungeeCord. If set true the custom messages below are shown. If set false, the join/quit messages are suppressed for incoming BungeeCord teleports via AncientGates.

bungeeJoinMessage [message]

Set the custom join message for incoming BungeeCord players. The following string substitution variables are available: %p - playerName and %s serverName. Bukkit color codes can also be used. The default message is "&e%p came from %s server".

bungeeQuitMessage [message]

Set the custom quit message for outgoing BungeeCord players. The following string substitution variables are available: %p - playerName and %s serverName. Bukkit color codes can also be used. The default message is "&e%p went to %s server".

useSocketComms [true/false]

Enable advanced BungeeCord support. Please see the BungeeCord setup page for more information.

socketCommsPort [portno]

Specify the port number to use for socket communication. This port number must not conflict with any other ports in use on the server and must therefore be unique to each AncientGates instance. Please see the BungeeCord setup page for more information.

socketCommsPass [password]

Specify the password for encrypting socket communication. This password can be the same amongst all AncientGates instances, but must be secure enough to encrypt server-server communication. Please see the BungeeCord setup page for more information.

autoUpdate [true/false]

Keep AncientGates up-to-date automatically. If set true AncientGates will automatically update to the latest Bukkit approved version for the Craftbukkit version you are using. This uses the Bukkit approved update method and updates by downloading the latest version to the Craftbukkit "update" folder. Craftbukkit itself then replaces the old version with the latest version on server startup/restart.

debug [true/false]

Display additional debug messages in console. If you are having issues with the plugin and are asked to post a of you console log. It may be helpful for debugging purposes to activate this option first before capturing the console log as it can provide additional useful information for debugging.


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